How to use the Adult BIG device? The presentation will start in a few minutes…
ANYTIME ACCESS IS NEEDED IN A HURRY P.E.A…Anesthetizing…Shock…Intubation… Two I.V attempts…V.F…O.D…Dyspnea… Dehydration…Cyanosis…infant…C.P.R…MVA.. ANYTIME ACCESS IS NEEDED IN A HURRY
Case report: 28 Y/O was found unconscious suspected O.D of Heroin No I.V access … How do I get a line ?
Let’s watch…
Location (1) Place a rolled towel under knee with the foot facing outward . Find the outset point : Tibial Tuberosity- A rounded protrusion right down the patella. *Locate the Tuberosity and feel it on your leg .
Location (2) From the Tibial Tuberosity Go approx. 2 cm (1 inch) to the inner part of the leg to find a flat site. This is the Tibial Plateau.
Location (3) From Tibial plateau Go UP approx. 1cm (0.5 inch) toward the patella. *You are looking for the thinnest portion of the cortex.
Location (4) Summary (adult patient): From Tibial Tuberosity Go approx. 2 cm (1 inch) IN (inner leg). And approx. 1 cm (0.5 inch) UP (toward patella). *Try to find the insertion site on your leg.
Location (5)
Positioning With one hand holding firmly, Position the BIG At a 90 degree angel to the surface of the skin. *use aseptic technique throughout
Safety latch With one hand holding the BIG firmly, Pull out the safety latch by squeezing its two sides together. (The safety latch should be at the farthest point of the leg). *Do not discard, it will later be used.
Triggering While continuing to hold the bottom part firmly against the leg, Place 2 fingers of your other hand under the ‘winged portion’ and the palm of that hand on the top. Trigger the BIG by gently pressing down . Note: Extra force is not required.
Stylet trocar Pull out the stylet Trocar. Only cannula remains in the bone.
Fixation The safety latch provides additional stability.
Aspiration Bone marrow can be aspirated into a syringe for laboratory sampling. Note: Lack of bone marrow does not mean the IO is improperly placed.
Flushing Flushing 10-20cc of saline is recommended before the injection of fluids or drugs. *In conscious patients- consider local anesthesia prior to administrating fluids.
Administration Now you can administrate fluids and drugs as required. Optional : Connect a stopcock to the cannula and than use a standard I.V set.
Trouble-Shooting Guide for Adult BIG
? Problem B.I.G does not trigger . Diagnosis Safety latch was not removed.
? Action Hold the blue part tied with one hand to penetration site. Squeeze and remove safety latch with other hand. While continuing to hold the bottom part firmly against the leg, place 2 fingers of your other hand under the ‘winged portion’ and the palm of that hand on the top. Trigger the BIG by gently pressing down.
?? Problem After triggering, needle is not stable in place. Diagnosis Needle did not penetrate the bone, but was placed into the muscle or other soft tissues.
?? Action Remove the cannula, find the correct site and use a new device (in the other tibia).
??? Problem After triggering, needle can not be removed. Diagnosis Needle did not penetrate all the way into the bone marrow, usually due to misplacing .
??? Action Match the square hole of the safety latch to the square part of the cannula. Twist the needle gently and pull the needle up and out of the bone. Using a new BIG, try a second attempt in the other tibia .
???? Problem Cannula (IO) is stable, but no bone marrow can be aspirated . Diagnosis Might be a block at the end of the cannula.
???? Action Flush with a syringe up to 20 cc of saline. Connect to infusion set via stopcock and check flow rate. If there is no flow, flush again . If there is no improvement, remove the cannula using the square part of the safety latch. Use a new BIG on the other tibia.
????? Problem Cannula is stable but there is firmness or swelling to the calf. Diagnosis Incorrect location.
????? Action Remove the cannula, use a new BIG in the other tibia.
Questions ??? Think ! Thank you . B.I.G