Präsentationstitel / Thema 0 Jörg Saalbach Verband Region Rhein-Neckar European Activities Mannheim, 10 December 2014
Präsentationstitel / Thema 1 Metropolitan Region Rhein-Neckar - a dynamic Region of poly-centric Europe
Präsentationstitel / Thema 2 European Development Axis
Präsentationstitel / Thema 3 Objective: „To bring Europe into the Region and the Region towards Europe“ - Information und consultation about European Funding Schemes for local authorities ERDF, INTERREG, ESF, LIFE, HORIZON 2020, etc. - Realisation of own (VRRN/MRN) Projects CODE24, Weastflows, Manage+, … - Cross border cooperation in the Upper Rhine River Valley * Interreg A Programme * Eurodistrict Regio PAMINA * Upper Rhine River Valley Commission and Board - Part of networks: * City Twinning Network MRN * European Regional Research and Innovation Network * Metrex (europ. Metropolitan Regions)
Präsentationstitel / Thema 4 MRN: crossroads of three German Bundesländer… …a problem for our „cross border“ region: 3 different OP‘s!
Präsentationstitel / Thema 5 TEN-T Core network Corridors: 3 in MRN
Präsentationstitel / Thema 6 The project 'CODE24' intends the interconnection of economic development, spatial, transport and ecological planning along the trans-European railway axis from Rotterdam to Genoa. Joint Strategy! INTERREG IVB project CODE24
Präsentationstitel / Thema 7 EGTC in preparation to continue cooperation
Präsentationstitel / Thema 8 Presenting MRN in Brussels: The Rhine-Neckar Forum
Präsentationstitel / Thema 9 BedanktBedankt voor uw aandacht!vooruwaandacht!