A nne likes her A pples sliced on a plate, sprinkled with cinnamon, sure will taste great!
B iscuits with B utter spread on the top crust, for Jerry and Florence, this is a must!
C hristopher likes C heese and C runchy C risp C rackers, and Nicholas will help him gobble up these lip smackers!
Three kinds of D ressing for D ave to peruse, Sage, Cornbread and Oyster, which will he choose?
E laine's E ggs will be deviled and that is no joke, the whites are filled with the smashed up egg yolk!
F or Jennifer a plate will be F illed with F resh F ish, and Trouble, her cat, will lick up the dish!
G reat G iblet G ravy from bones and pan drippins‘, but we'll save the wishbone for some later wishin'!
H ow many H elpings of H oliday food, can one person h ave and still not seem rude?
I ce cream I s for Katherine and her cat, Iggy two, make it vanilla and chocolate too!
We'll have cranberry J uice and gooseberry J am, a salad by J udy and a J ellied baked ham
From the K itchen comes the K ind of bouquet; when we are thankful for our noses on this holiday!
There'll be L ots of L uscious L eftovers, of course, enough to supply the US Air Force
Rosemary's M ashed potatoes smothered with gravy, enough to float a ship from the US Navy!
We'll have a N umber of N uts from cashews to pecan, and Bill will crack walnuts as fast as he can!
O ur creamed pearl O nions are simmered with care, with lots of hot spices just for O mar
P opcorn and P arsnips and sweet P umpkin P ie P eapods and P eaches, hot P eppers, oh my!
Q uince jam for the biscuits is Q uite a nice touch, or honey, fruit butter, molasses and such!
The R oast turkey thawed in the R efridgerator all night and cooked all day ‘til browned just R ight!
Yellow S quash, acorn S quash, just look in the cupboard, we have butternut, pattipan and even a hubbard.
T hanksgiving Day is really great, a day set aside for our families to just give Thanks.
Sassy and Pepper are U sually able to catch all the crumbs that fall U nder the table!
We'll have V arious V egetables for V eronica to name, creamed and buttered, steamed and plain.
W e'll have lemonade, coffee, milk and iced tea, Orange juice, cider, but just W ater for me.
E X tra e X citement is e X pected this year. Everyone in the family will be coming here.
The Yams will be Yummy baked in a pan, covered with marshmallows and toasted pecans.
Z illons of dishes will be eaten with Z eal you're sure to enjoy Susie's Thanksgiving meal.
Created by Susan Lent