Patrick F. Bassett, NAIS President The “Big Shifts” … and Schools of the Future “The future is already here; it’s just not evenly distributed yet.” For titles and subtitles each word capitalized except articles and prepositions and conjunctions for four or fewer letters. Title and subtitle text appears black on clear/white backgrounds. Patrick F. Bassett, NAIS President Who said that? Also coined the term “cyberspace”) William Gibson, American/Canadian writer, philosopher
Generative, Design Thinking What Are the Most Important Questions for Schools, at any Level? What are the skills & values the 21st C. will demand & reward? The Five Cs + One (What we’ll teach) Can we agree on them? What are “The Big Shifts” that will redefine “schooling”? (How we’ll teach)
The Six Big Shifts (plus one) Knowing……………. Doing Are We Ready for the Big Shifts? (cf. MacArthur Foundation, 21st. C. Learning) The Six Big Shifts (plus one) (Brought to you, free, by the Internet Revolution) Knowing……………. Doing
Creativity, Robotics, Teaming and STEM Return Falmouth Academy’s Submersible Robot “Demonstrations of Learning” Ted Sizer’s “Exhibitions”
Teacher-centered…….. Student-centered Are We Ready for the Big Shifts? (cf. MacArthur Foundation, 21st. C. Learning) The Big Shifts Knowing…………….. Doing Teacher-centered…….. Student-centered
Run -------------------------
Teacher-centered…….. Student-centered The Individual……… The Team Are We Ready for the Big Shifts? (cf. MacArthur Foundation, 21st. C. Learning) The Big Shifts Knowing…………….. Doing Teacher-centered…….. Student-centered The Individual……… The Team
Expeditionary Leadership Training Watershed School, CO NOLS-based Leadership Basics: Taking Care of… Yourself… Your Stuff… Your Responsibilities to the Team In the context of real-world project-based learning and problem-solving Measured by CWRA critical-thinking assessment.
Are We Ready for the Big Shifts. (cf. MacArthur Foundation, 21st. C Are We Ready for the Big Shifts? (cf. MacArthur Foundation, 21st. C. Learning) The Big Shifts Knowing….……….…. Doing Teacher-centered….… Student-centered The Individual……….. The Team Consumption of Info…Construction of Meaning
Lamplighter School (TX) Egg Business Run Urban School (CA) Oral Histories
Rio Grande School (NM)
Marymount – NYC “Fab Lab” Key Design Thinking Concepts: Exploring Imagining Experimenting Prototyping 3-D fabricator/printers
NAIS’s Challenge 20/20: High Noon Sharing our planet: Issues involving the “global common” Global warming Biodiversity and ecosystem losses Fisheries depletion Deforestation Water deficits Maritime safety and pollution Sharing our humanity: Issues requiring a global commitment & covenant Massive step-up in the fight against poverty Peacekeeping, conflict prevention, combating terrorism Education for all Global Infectious Diseases Digital divide Natural disaster prevention and mitigation Sharing our rulebook: Issues needing a global regulatory approach Reinventing taxation for the 21st century Biotechnology rules Global financial architecture Illegal drugs Trade, investment, and competition rules Intellectual property rights E-commerce rules International labor and migration rules.
20/20 Fay School Entrepreneurship: Global Problem: Water Deficits Global Solution: WaterWalker Fay School (MA) 8th graders
Challenge 20/20: Montessori School of Denver
Are We Ready for the Big Shifts. (cf. MacArthur Foundation, 21st. C Are We Ready for the Big Shifts? (cf. MacArthur Foundation, 21st. C. Learning) The Big Shifts Knowing………….…. Doing Teacher-centered…… Student-centered The Individual………. The Team Consumption of Info.…Construction of Meaning Schools………………..Networks (online peers & experts)
PLCs & Crowdsourcing Lessons & Curriculum
Othello – Orson Wells (1952) Othello – Laurence Olivier (1965) Othello – Laurence Fishburne (1995) Othello – Cheers version (1983)
Are We Ready for the Big Shifts. (cf. MacArthur Foundation, 21st. C Are We Ready for the Big Shifts? (cf. MacArthur Foundation, 21st. C. Learning) The Big Shifts Knowing…………..….. Doing Teacher-centered…..… Student-centered The Individual…….….. The Team Consumption of Info….. Construction of Meaning Schools………………... Networks (online peers & experts) Single Sourcing………. Crowd Sourcing
Crowdsourcing Meets Gaming Nobel Prizes in Science and Medicine?
Are We Ready for the Big Shifts. (cf. MacArthur Foundation, 21st. C Are We Ready for the Big Shifts? (cf. MacArthur Foundation, 21st. C. Learning) The Big Shifts Knowing…………….. Doing Teacher-centered…… Student-centered The Individual………. The Team Consumption of Info….Construction of Meaning Schools………………..Networks (online peers & experts) Single Sourcing……… Crowd Sourcing --------------------------------------------------------------------- High Stakes Testing….. High Value Demonstrations
Grant Wood’s Victorian Survival Smithsonian Podcast interpretation by Katy Waldman, Holton Arms School Demonstration of Learning
Are We Ready for the Big Shifts. (cf. MacArthur Foundation, 21st. C Are We Ready for the Big Shifts? (cf. MacArthur Foundation, 21st. C. Learning) The Big Shifts “Students moving from the passenger seat to the driver’s seat.” #edfuture
Generative, Design Thinking What Are the Next Most Important Questions for Schools, at any Level? How will we assess & measure success? formative tests, demonstrations of learning, electronic portfolios How will we lead? Change agency leadership Betting on the fast horses
Are We Ready for the Big Shifts. (cf. MacArthur Foundation, 21st. C Are We Ready for the Big Shifts? (cf. MacArthur Foundation, 21st. C. Learning) Resources on the NAIS Website ( Click on or search for The Five C’s Plus One: Skills and Values for the 21st C.: Also see separate blogs on each of the C’s: Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Communication; Character; Cosmopolitanism (Cross-cultural Competency). (Search for Bassett Blog on Creativity; Bassett Blog on Character; etc.) Click on or search for Bassett Tedx Talk on Schools of the Future: The Big Shifts (27 minutes) Click on or search for Independent School Fall 2009 magazine article on “Demonstrations of Learning for 21st. C Schools”: Note the six skills I wrote about at the beginning of that article have subsequently morphed into the 5 “C’s” + One) Click on or search for “Schools of the Future” for resources and profiled innovative schools and programs See Appendix (Next): Related Slides
The Five C’s + One Creativity Communication Collaboration Return For a TEDx video version of this presentation, search on the NAIS website for “The Big Shifts.” For an overview and links to blogs on each of these topics search on the NAIS websites for “The Five C’s + One” Creativity Communication Collaboration Critical Thinking Character ----------------------------------------------- Cosmopolitanism – Cross Cultural Competency
Cultural GPS: U.S. vs. Japan PFB… in Japan: Tsunami Headlines. Department Chair Selection Return
Patrick F. Bassett, NAIS President The “Big Shifts” … and Schools of the Future For titles and subtitles each word capitalized except articles and prepositions and conjunctions for four or fewer letters. Title and subtitle text appears black on clear/white backgrounds. Patrick F. Bassett, NAIS President
What does the research say? Our own blue ribbon panel of college leaders?
The public perception of the gap between “what’s important” and “how effective schools are in teaching it.” KnowledgeWorks newsletter, Oct. 2007
What does the research say? Return