Stanford University Yungay Station Atacama Desert, Chile Travel Primer Lauren Fletcher – NASA Ames Research Center/Stanford University Christopher McKay – NASA Ames Research Center Spaceward Bound: Atacama Season 1
Stanford University So……you wanna camp in the desert??? Roast Marsh-mellows? Dig Holes in the Ground? Climb Hills? Learn about Field Astrobiology? Look for Martians?
Stanford University The Bad News!!! This ain’t no Burning Man....
Stanford University This ain ’ t no Burning Man.... The Good News!!!
Stanford University The Travel Primer Provides lots of questionably useful information. Please download and read....there will be a quiz tomorrow. Please note the disclaimer in 4 point font.
Stanford University How To Get There? Third star to the left....on till dawn. Click your heels three times and repeat, “There’s no place like the Atacama.” Follow the flight instructions provided by Liza However.... Missed/Delayed flights happen all the time. Probably will miss the Bus ride, so…. S: 24º 4.180’; W: 69º ’ Or, hop a flight to Antofagasta, call Benito (Phone number), Send , we’ll come get you, or go to the Holiday Inn Express in Antofagasta.
Stanford University Yungay Station
Stanford University The Real Yungay Station
Stanford University The Real Yungay Station
Stanford University Yungay Station Set-up Kitchen Main Lab Common Area Communications Team Lab 2 Sleeping Room Bath Room
Stanford University
Stanford University
Stanford University
Stanford University The Accommodations Sorry, probably Tents Only. Recommendation: 3-season Tent and Sleeping Bag, plus a ground matt.
Stanford University Transportation Generally a mix of two and four wheel drives or a spare balloon or duck....
Stanford University Water We will be buying and bringing plenty of bottled drinking water from Antofagasta. Please bring a personal water bottle. We have a well, pump, and 500 gallon storage tank for the bathroom and toilet and shower Don’t expect to shower every day or hot water Water has low level of arsenic, so.... *DON’T DRINK THE WATER*!!!
Stanford University Food We will be buying and bringing plenty of food from Antofagasta. We work on a communal food system. We’ll prepare a lot of things, as well as will have lots of stuff to make sandwiches, etc. First Come, First Serve, but there will be plenty of food. If you have special dietary needs, please let us know. We generally have a vegetarian or two and we get a mix of food so that there shouldn’t be a problem We’ll do our best to accommodate your needs I accept bribes in the form of 10’s and 20’s, unmarked and non- sequentially numbered.
Stanford University Weather Dry and Sunny Bring Lotion and Sun-block Temperatures (Remember it is a high desert): Morning: Cool (50-70ºF) Day: Hot (80-100ºF) Evening: Cool (50-70ºF) Night: Cold (30-50ºF)
Stanford University Clothing And Other Clothing: Bring many layers to keep warm. Long Underwear, T-shirts, and Sweaters Long sleeve shirts and pants for the daytime (high UV!) Gloves and knit hat for the night Gortex coat Other: Sun-hat Flashlight Water bottle Sun-block What-ever else you think you need. Ask Questions!!!
Stanford University We would like to Thank the Academy Above All... Don’t Forget to have fun!!!