Mediaocean Training Options ONLINE LEARNING Best for: New-starters and Mediaocean systems beginners Benefits: Available on-demand, unlimited number of views, self-paced learning We offer: Quick “how-to” videos, Non-interactive learning videos Interactive eLearning courses Covering: Core concepts, fundamentals & basic functionality training For some products, completing our introductory eLearning is a pre-requisite to receiving custom training Our catalogue of online learning content is growing! New modules are frequently released to the Mediaocean Support website: Mediaocean Support - Training WEBINARS Best for: Refresher training, new-starters and Mediaocean systems beginners LIVE WEBINARS: Benefits: Regular events, scheduled monthly, online reservations, instructor- led sessions We offer: Regular instructor-led events Online registration Trainees can chat with the trainer, but cannot communicate with other remote attendees Time for trainee questions and other classroom type advantages without the travel or venue costs You can view our schedule and register to attend a live webinar: View webinar schedule View webinar schedule RECORDED EVENTS: Benefits: Available on-demand, unlimited number of views, self-paced learning We offer: Recorded LIVE WEBINARS made available online CUSTOM TRAINING Best for: Intermediate to advanced level users of Mediaocean systems, large groups of new users Benefits: Instructor-led sessions, can incorporate agency specific content and workflows We offer: Bespoke, instructor-led training: Remotely via GoTo Training, (internet access is required and a headset /telephone for audio) In our training facility at Bankside in London In your training venue At the trainee’s desk (where appropriate)
Mediaocean Support SUPPORT HOURS Mediaocean Support: Submit a support request onlineBetween 8:30amand 6:00pm Create a support request ticket via Between 8:30amand 6:00pm Call us to have a support specialist create the ticket for youBetween 10:00amand 1:00pm& between 2:00pmand 5:00pm Prefer to manage your support requests by ? You can new queries to us via our client support addresses ( addresses can be found here: Contacting your Mediaocean Support Team).Contacting your Mediaocean Support Team However you choose to submit your request, we’ll always notify you by when one of your tickets is updated; simply read and reply to the update details in the notification, and/or use the “clickable” ticket reference in the message to view the full history. There is much more to come as we continue to build our online support environment. Our number one goal is to provide efficient and effective customer service. This is the fastest way to reach our support specialists: Step 1: (One time) Registration for Mediaocean Support (Sign up to manage your support requests online and have access to our knowledgebases) 1.Visit 2.Click Support &Training/Mediaocean Support 3.Click sign-up 4.Complete the form (only your name and business address is required) and click “sign me up!” 5.You will be prompted by to verify your login credentials and then you’re all set! Step 2: Sign in (Sign in, submit new requests, track existing requests, search our knowledgebases) Once you’ve completed registration, return to Mediaocean Support and sign-in.Mediaocean Support From here you can: Search all Knowledgebases by keyword or click any knowledgebase tile to browse our growing selection of training and support FAQ’s. Find links to access and search our full documentation librarydocumentation library Click “submit a request”, and we’ll route the ticket straight to the right team of specialists. Our “submit a request” form prompts you to: choose a support team, select which Mediaocean application you are using, and write a brief description of the query This is the minimum information we need to route your request straight to the team of specialists who have the right skills and knowledge to deal with your enquiry. Click “check your existing requests”, to view your recent tickets, make further comments and add attachments.