First Grade Curriculum Night September 29, 2014 Mrs. Weinert, Mrs. Steele, and Mrs. LeBlanc
Classroom & School Rules *Be Safe *Be Respectful *Be Responsible *Everyone makes mistakes: When you do, make it right. *Try your best. *Ask for help when you need it. *Take care of eachother.
Behavior Management & Consequences Less Serious or First Time: Gentle reminder Firm reminder Practice doing it right Lose a privilege More Serious: Lose a privilege (bigger) Time Out? Minor or Major
Reading Homework or not??? Let's figure it out-mathematically! Student A reads 20 minutes, five nights of every week; Student B reads only 4 minutes a night…or not at all! Step 1 : Multiply minutes a night X 5 times each week. Student A reads 20 min. X 5 times a week = 100 minutes a week; Student B reads 4 min. X 5 times a week = 20 minutes. Step 2: Multiply minutes a week X 4 weeks each month. Student A reads 400 minutes a month; Student B reads 80 minutes a month. Step 3: Multiply minutes a month X 9 months. Student A reads 3600 min. in a school year; Student B reads 720 min. in a school year. By the end of the 6 th grade Student A and Student B maintain these same reading habits, Student A will have read the equivalent of 60 whole schools days, while Student B will have read the equivalent of only 12 schools days. One would expect the gaps of information retained will have widened considerably and so, undoubtedly, will school performance. Please support your child's reading habits by providing opportunities for your child to read nightly.
? Common Core Standards Common Core Standards are… *More challenging than previous standards! *Nationwide *Focused on skills students need to learn in order to progress *Report Card Aligned What if my child doesn’t know how to… We’ll work on it! What if my child already knows how to… We’ll do some challenge work!
? Curriculum in David Douglas * It’s called Forward! *It is aligned with the rigorous standards of the Common Core *In some ways similar to past curriculums with traditional lessons *It also has online animations, digital readers in addition to real books, and links to other opportunities for learning
Daily Schedule 8:45-9:15 Check in, Morning Work, Learning Centers 9:15-9:40 Calendar Math Lesson & Morning Meeting 9:40-11:10 90 Minute Reading Block 11:15-12:00 Recess & Lunch 12:00-12:20 Social Studies, Science, Health, Art 12:20-1:00 Writing 1:00-1:45 Math 1:45-2:25 Specials (Music, P.E., Library & Computer) 2:30-3:00 ELD (Oral Language Lessons) 3:00-3:15 End of Day Routines 3:15 Dismiss
1:45-2:25 Specials *Rotating Schedule (A day, B day, C day) *Music with Ms. Wray *P.E. with Mr. Muldoon Shoes for running and playing *Library and Computer Lab with Ms. Mackris and Ms. Patton Bring your library books on this day
Arrival Time 8:30 Breakfast (no earlier please) 8:45 Come down to class when the bell rings (if you are earlier than 8:45, you must wait in cafeteria or front office lobby) *Bus riders will go to breakfast when the buses arrive, then come down to class. *Tardy bell rings at 9:00. All students should be in the classroom and ready to learn on time. When kids come to class tardy, they often miss the beginning of the day directions or first lesson of the day. Please make sure your child is on time.
Parental Involvement is a vital part of a smooth running classroom. School safety is a priority at Cherry Park. Adults in the School: (Safety Protocal) *Adults must go to office first and sign in, get visitor badge *Parents who are volunteering are required to fill out a new background check form EACH year before being able to volunteer at school. Fill out now, even if you aren’t planning to volunteer until later… (this is also required if you want to chaperone a field trip later in the year).
Homework Expectations We all require family participation in homework routines. Reading practice is a big part of homework in first grade. We all structure it a little bit differently, but still with the same reading expectation. Each teacher will provide you with homework structure for your child’s class. Please let us know if you have questions. We want homework to be a positive experience for your child.
First Grade Field Trip! Apple Festival at Portland Nursery When: October 17 th in the afternoon *Usual morning schedule in the classrooms, usual recess and lunch that day at school *We will leave by school bus after we’ve eaten lunch and had a restroom break that day. We will be back at school by 2:30pm. *Field Trip Permission Slips will be coming home. Each student must have a signed slip in order to go on the field trip.
Contacting Your Teacher Note: sent with your child Phone: (We only answer the phone and check voic when students are not in the classroom). The phone, however, is not a good way to let us know that you are changing your end of school dismissal plan. Please send a note with your child in the morning (or us the day before) letting us know if the dismissal routine is changing. This helps make sure your child gets to the right place!