SOAR Revalidation Dashboard Guidance for ROs This PowerPoint has been designed for on-screen viewing, not print (sorry!) Last updated: 10/07/2013
What we’ve built Revalidation Dashboard, which displays: Those “Ready for Revalidation”, according to a default set of rules on SOAR; Those “Not Ready for Revalidation”, basically, everyone else These lists can be further refined to search for those who are “Under Notice” for Revalidation; and The doctors’ Revalidation Submission Date You can “batch” revalidate those on the Ready list Those on the “Not Ready” list will require individual review and action
Default settings for “Ready to Revalidate” (1/2) In order for a doctor to appear on the RO’s “Ready to Revalidate” list, they will have: All “1” scorings in all the Core Elements in the 4 Domains in their appraisals At least 1x “1” scored in MSF At least 1x “1” scored in PSQ Had no more than 1x 5A logged against them Had no 5B or 5C logged against them Have “No issues” in their declarations in their latest signed off appraisal For GPs, they will have been marked by their appraiser as “on-track” for Revalidation in their latest signed off appraisal Or…
Default settings for “Ready to Revalidate” (2/2) The Appraisal Lead / Adviser, Administrators, and those marked as “Co-ordinators” in your Health Board on SOAR (line managers, AMDs, Clinical Directors etc) have the function to move doctors to and from the Ready and Not Ready lists Added complication for GPs – those who used old appraisal forms before switching to the online forms will most likely appear on the “Not Ready” list because we are unable to track whether they have completed the relevant core elements within each Domain – these GPs will require manual review
Revalidate via SOAR (1/3) RO SOAR Appraisee GMC Connect Review Ready/Not-Ready lists; Make Recommendations (positive or otherwise) RO Recommendations sent after 24h delay: Revalidate, Defer, Non-engage Automatic confirm if recommendation has been received SOAR connects to GMC nightly to check recommendation status – when accepted (or rejected) SOAR will update records accordingly SOAR updates user records RO Support Teams (Appraisal Leads, Admins etc) Review Ready/Not-Ready lists; Move doctors between the two lists as appropriate
Revalidate via SOAR (2/3) When you revalidate someone via SOAR, either via batch or individually, the recommendation sits in SOAR for 24 hours before it is sent to the GMC This gives you the opportunity to cancel and change the recommendation if required (last minute information made available to you, accidental clicks etc) Alternatively there is a “Send now” button to skip the 24 hour wait, if you are certain
Revalidate via SOAR (3/3) Once the recommendation is sent to the GMC, they will process this as if you had entered the information on GMC Connect When a decision has been made, the GMC will update their records and SOAR will grab the information in automated overnight processes The information will be displayed on SOAR accordingly (recommendation accepted, rejected, why, etc)
IMPORTANT NOTE If you are no longer the RO for your Health Board, please inform us ASAP Each Revalidation recommendation is linked to the GMC’s recognised Responsible Officers If/when there is a change, we need to update both SOAR and GMC Connect (otherwise it may cause the recommendations to bounce)
Login Change Role to “Responsible Officer” Ignore the Welcome Screen you are greeted with (we’ll work on improving this soon) Appraisees – lists all those working in your Health Board Reports – please ignore for now, we are working to improve this section Revalidation Recommendation – this is where the Dashboard is
You can only access those appraisees in your Health Board You can search for specific doctors either via their Surname or GMC number You can search for Primary or Secondary Care doctors (PC/SC) Click on doctor’s name to bring up individual details Interview History shows number of appraisals recorded on SOAR Current assigned Appraiser is listed, showing how many of the doctor’s appraisals they have done As RO, you have read access to interview details and Form 4, but NOT the appraisees’ appraisal forms
Revalidation Recommendation (Dashboard) Select “Ready” or “Not Ready” - click Search for results Filter by Primary or Secondary Care Filter by the penultimate GMC number (6 th digit) Tick box to “Select all” users listed on page Positive Recommendation button When GMC confirms your recommendation, we will display update in “Status” (and Date) column You cannot do batch functions for those on Not Ready list, click on doctors’ name to individually review / action
Click on Revalidation tab Individual Revalidation recommendation buttons Appraisal history table GPs who used old appraisal forms will not have their appraisals recorded in this table, only those interviews with new online forms
To Defer a doctor, click the Defer button, a popup will appear You will be asked to provide a Deferred date; and a reason, either “Insufficient evidence for a positive recommendation”; or “This doctor is subject to an ongoing process”
You can see, at a glance, whether a doctor has met the requirements to appear on the Ready list Core Elements A, B, C, E, F and G must have all “1” Core Elements D (both) must have at least one “1” No more than one 5A No 5B or 5C In latest appraisal, doctor needs to be marked as “on-track” for revalidation; And have no issues in their self declarations If/when revalidated, SOAR will update in table
Summary Click on “Revalidation Recommendation” to access dashboard Dashboard will bring up those “Ready for Revalidation” by default Those on the “Ready” list will have either met all the default system requirements; or manually moved to this list by your Appraisal Lead/Adviser or the doctor’s Clinical Director, AMD, Line manager, etc Once recommendation is made on SOAR, you have 24 hours to change your mind SOAR will connect to GMC in automated overnight processes to check and see if the recommendation has been accepted (or not); and will update SOAR accordingly thereafter Please inform us of any change in RO
Further support To submit a helpdesk ticket, click on the black “Help” box to the right of every page on SOAR and fill in the boxes Website: (Currently being redeveloped, all resources will be held in new website)