Welcome to the Honors Program
What we’ll be doing today Overview of the University Academic Advisement Honors Advisement Course Selection Fall Class Schedule Priority Registration: Wednesday, April 1st, 2015
Getting Started ● University of Nevada, Reno website: ● Information Hub: Academic Central ( Central ● Understanding the University General Course Catalog, University General Course Catalog ● Academics, Colleges and Schools, Degrees, Majors, and Programs, class schedules Academics ● The Honors Program WebsiteHonors Program Website ● Using the University website to plan a course of study ● Using academic and Honors advisors to plan your path to a 4-year graduation ● Creating an appropriate schedule and using MyNEVADA to register for classes
What is a degree? ● Degree: An award given upon completion of a prescribed set of requirements (courses and number of credits) Degree ● Examples of academic degrees earned for an undergraduate major B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) B.S. (Bachelor of Science) B.F.A. (Bachelor of Fine Arts) B.G.S. (Bachelor of General Studies) ● You can graduate from the Honors Program with any major
Anatomy of a Degree Academic Requirements: ● University ● Core Curriculum ● College/School ● Honors Program ● Major ● Minor (if applicable) ● Electives
What is a “major” and a “minor”? Major ● Primary subject or field of study ● Declaring a major Minor ● Secondary subject or field of study ● Declaring a minor For a list of all majors and descriptions ● University website >> Academics >> Degrees and ProgramsDegrees and Programs
Multiple Degrees, Multiple Majors Multiple Degrees A multiple degree is earned if a student wishes to major in multiple programs leading to different degrees--for example, one major leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree and another major leading to a Bachelor of Science degree. College of Liberal Arts students who earn a multiple degree are required to fulfill all of the college's general requirements for a bachelor's degree, even if another degree is done under another college at the university. A minor must be completed if required by either major, per the general college requirements for a bachelor's degree. Multiple Majors A multiple major is earned if a student wishes to major in multiple programs leading to the same degree name-- for example, majors leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree. Students who earn a multiple major with at least one major under the College of Liberal Arts are required to fulfill all of the college's general requirements for a bachelor's degree except that a minor in a third area is optional.
Changing your major or minor (from MyNEVADA address). Provide: – First and last name, date of birth and NSHE number – Physical address – New major Student will receive correspondence from Admissions & Records to confirm the change
University Scholarships Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships Remember the criteria to maintain your scholarship! “Satisfactory Progress” GPA, minimum # of credits, etc. – National Merit – Presidential – Silver and Blue
Award Retention Requirements These are stated in offer letters and annual financial aid award letters. National Merit or Presidential award: Maintain a UNR GPA above 3.50 (cumulative and annual), complete 15 credits each fall and spring AND be continuously enrolled for 8 semesters starting with fall after high school graduation unless you have an approved leave of absence by A&R in MyNEVADA. Silver and Blue: Maintain a UNR GPA above 3.75 and complete 12 credits each fall and spring. You may be nominated for the award each of the following 3 years if you have a 3.75 GPA or higher. Millennium Scholarship: Full-time enrollment in a minimum of 12 credits of coursework each fall and spring; $960 per semester paid toward fees. Students are encouraged to volunteer at least 20 hours of community service each year of the Millennium.
Advanced PlacementAdvanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit International Baccalaureate ● Send official test scores to Admissions and Records ● Consult General Course Catalog and Honors Handbook for University course equivalents and credits ● Until scores are received (July-August!) you will not be placed out of “basic” English, math, or science courses, or into “higher” level courses. ● So…you can only be enrolled in courses now for which you have the appropriate prerequisites
Core Curriculum Requirements for every major! 1. Writing (3-6 credits) 2. Mathematics (3-5 credits) 3. Natural Sciences (6-9 credits) 4. Social Sciences (3 credits) 5. Fine Arts (3 credits) 6. Core Humanities (9 credits) 7. Capstone courses (Honors thesis; 6 credits) 8. Diversity (3 credits) CAUTION: Some core requirements are major specific University General Course Catalog
Core Writing and Math Completion All degree-seeking students must be continuously enrolled in the appropriate pre-Core or Core writing and math courses until the University Core Curriculum writing and math requirements are completed. University Policy
Honors Policy for entering students First semester: Enroll in a minimum of 3 Honors courses, one being HON 200B (Seminar: The University) Second semester: Enroll in a minimum of 2 Honors courses Honors courses are offered for all eight Core areas every semester!!!!
Terminology Credit/Unit: ● Credits are earned after successfully completing a course (most = 3-4 credits) ● 1 credit = approx. 1 hour in class per week (lecture classes); varied for labs ● To graduate in four years, you should take a minimum of 15 credits each semester; average Honors load is 18 credits per semester ● Credit overload = 21 or more (Dean’s approval is required) ● A degree requires 120 credits or more ● Maximum credits for financial aid: 180 credits ● To graduate from the Honors Program, you must take a minimum of 6 Honors credits each year
Terminology ● Prerequisite ● A course required before taking another course ● Co-requisite ● Course must be taken at the same time with another course ● Recommended preparation
Core English Requirement (3-6 Credits) English CourseACTSAT EnglishVerbal ENG 9817 or below430 or below ENG 100J18 to to 500 ENG to to 670 ENG 102ENG 102, ENG 102 H*ENG or above680 or above A UNR student’s initial placement in English courses is based on ACT/SAT test scores, but Honors students, regardless of scores, are eligible for ENG 102 right away.
Mathematics (3-5 credits) Placement is based on ACT/SAT scores Core Math Requirement ACT 22 SAT 500 Math 120 *Math 126 R ACT 27 SAT 610 Math 127 R Math 176 STAT 152 ACT 28 SAT 630 Math 181 Honors Math 181 (Calculus I) offered each fall Honors Math 182 (Calculus II) offered each spring Students who wish to challenge their ACT/SAT math placement may choose to take an Accuplacer test through the University Math Center.
Natural Sciences (6-9 credits) ● Group A and Group B Group A and Group B ● Two courses required: At least one course must be taken from Group A (with a lab) Core Science Requirements Fall Honors Courses ● BIOL 191: Intro to Organismal Biology (must be combined with BIOL 192 for core requirement) ● CHEM 201L: General Chemistry for Scientists/Engineers I (one credit) ● PHYS 181: Physics for Scientists/ Engineers II Spring Honors Courses ● CHEM 202L: General Chemistry for Scientists/ Engineers II (one credit) ● BIOL 125: How Science Works: Case Studies ● PHYS 180: Physics for Scientists/ Engineers I
Fall (3 credits) HON 220: Economic Theory & Policy PSY 101: General Psychology WMST 101: Intro to Women’s Studies PSC or SOC 101 (tentative offering) Spring HON 220: Economic Theory & Policy PSY 101: General Psychology WMST 101: Intro to Women’s Studies Core Social Science Requirements
3 credits Fall ● MUS 122: Survey of Jazz ● MUS 124: History of the American Musical Theatre Spring ● SOTA 101: School of the Arts ● MUS 123: History of American Popular Song Core Fine Arts Requirements
Core Humanities (9 credits total) ● CH 201: Ancient & Medieval Cultures ● CH 202: Modern World ● CH 203: American Experiences & Constitutional Change *Honors CH 201, CH 202, and CH 203 are offered each semester *ENG 102 is a prereq for each course Core Curriculum Requirements
Capstone Courses (6 credits) ● Taken after completing all core curriculum requirements ● Senior year ● Senior Thesis/Project (6 credits) required of all graduating seniors in the Honors Program (HON 490 Honors Thesis I and HON 491 Honors Thesis II; or recognized senior thesis/project in major) Core Curriculum Requirements
Diversity Courses (3 credits) ● Complete an Honors diversity course ● WMST 101 (Introduction to Women’s Studies) ● HON 410 (Area Studies) ● Complete a diversity- identified class listed in the class schedule Core Curriculum Requirements
The Academic Year Today, you are receiving information on fall 2015 classes. FALL SEMESTER Mon, Aug 24, 2015Wed, Dec 16 SPRING SEMESTER Tuesday, Jan 19, 2016 Wednesday, May 11
● Who are your academic advisors?academic advisors ● College Contacts ● Honors Program Advising ● When should you see your advisors? ● Remember: ● Priority Registration for Honors students each fall and spring semester ● Registration holds ● Mandatory Honors advising at least once a year Honors Advising
Activate Account, log in!
Student Dashboard
Class Search OR Course Catalog
“Class Search” method Term = 2015 Fall – Course Attribute = Groups and Cohorts – Course Attribute = Honors
Very few “Honors” courses have an “HON” prefix! Check (click on) the course section to ensure it is Honors.
“Course Catalog” method Lists all courses offered at UNR, not in specific semester. Use prefix of subject to search for courses.
Only Honors classes are displayed. Note: You can also navigate to Honors classes through the normal search functions which we already covered.
Look for tabs across top of search Select the class to add to your shopping cart
On April 2 nd, you can enroll in the classes in your shopping cart
7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Core Fine Arts MUS Sample Schedule for 17 credits Core Fine Arts MUS Core Fine Arts MUS 122R-1001 HON 200B-1003 Core Math MATH Core English ENG Core Sci. “A” BIOL Core Sci. “A” BIOL Core Sci. “A” BIOL Core Science “A” BIOL (Lab) Core English ENG Core Math MATH
Before You Get to Campus
Mandatory Summer Orientation
● Open to incoming Honors students only ● Nevada Living Learning Community ● Complete both applications ● Residential Life application Residential Life application AND ● Living Learning Community application Living Learning Community application If you are interested, apply and send your deposit in ASAP! We are already reaching the limit of HRSC capacity! Living Learning Communities Honors Residential Scholars Community Contact Teri Galvin in Residential Life ( ) or the Honors Program for more information.
Like the Honors Program on Facebook!
● Priority Registration: Wednesday, April 1st ● Summer 2015 New Student Orientations (June and July) ● Honors Ice Cream Social: Residence Hall Move-In Day: Thursday, August 20 th, Honors Program patio ● First Year Honors Retreat at Lake Tahoe: Saturday, August 22 nd - Sunday, 23 rd ● Reno Aces baseball game What’s coming up?
Before You Leave… ● Plan at least 15 credits for the fall semester ● Plan how AP/IB test scores will affect your schedule ● Sign and turn in your Honors advising form to an Honors staff member ● Know whom to contact if you have more questions Honors Program Jot Travis Bldg, Rm. 11 (775)
Have a Question
Nevada Overview Advisement & Registration Links to advising websites Placement information AP/IB course equivalents Easily change your major before coming to campus Other Admissions Resources