C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis “ BioBrowser: A Framework for Fast Protein Visualization ” Andreas Halm, Lars Offen, Dieter Fellner (TU Braunschweig) IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization (2005)
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Overview Existing tools Motivation BioBrowser Overall concepts Different visualization styles Future work Live Demo
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Existing Tools Visualization Tools RasMol, Chimera, PyMol, Yasara, and others Modeling Tools VMD (Visual Molecular Dynamics), NAMD (Scalable Molecular Dynamics), ProtoShop (Interactive Protein Manipulation), etc. Database Tools BLAST, FASTA (search for similar structures)
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Motivation Increasing number of structurally fully analyzed molecules Many different sources of information, e.g. Protein database UniProt GenomeNet Provide a tool, which integrates this information into the 3D structure of the molecule … (where it really belongs)
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis BioBrowser - Goals Provide an integrated access and visualization tool for existing information sources Challenges: Visualization (make access as smooth as possible) Support all common visualization styles Interactive presentation of huge datasets Keep precomputed data to a minimum Integration of the information Interaction with existing tools for data collection Integrate collected information into 3D space
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Overall Concepts I Visualization of huge data sets in real time Just-in-Time generation of the geometry Reduction of geometry through Level-of-Detail Billboarding Subdivision-Approaches Use of modern GPU Features Minimizing precomputed vis-related data Designing/Use of fast algorithms Data (e.g. solvent surface geometry) can be made available in real time
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Overall Concepts II Ensure Extensibility Compact Interface for plugins to integrate new modules (which also supports) Communication between the different modules Platform independent No usage of platform-dependent libraries, like MFC Use of wxWidgets Version for: Windows, Linux, Cave, Mozilla/IE- Plugin, PDA (work in progress)
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Visualization Styles
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Visualization Styles
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Different approaches Decreasing Geometry Decreasing GPU functions LOD-Meshes Modeled polytopes Subdivision Surfaces Adding depth Texture =>Depth sprites Fully GPU rendered Ray-shooting on the GPU [Klein&Ertl 2004] Billboards
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Ball and Stick Spheres don’t intersect and the bonds intersect them in a predictable manner => use billboards, results in four vertices per billboard If graphics board is capable of vertex/fragment shaders use a ray-shooting shader => only one vertex per atom or bond
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Spacefill Using van der Waals radius for atoms Different approaches (GPU capability) LOD-Meshes Depth sprites Fully GPU rendered
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Different approaches LOD-Meshes Modeled polytopes Depth sprites Billboards with depth texture Fully GPU rendered Ray-shooting on the GPU Decreasing Geometry Decreasing GPU functions
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Ribbons Represents the structure of the backbone C α -atoms used for position and appearance Three different kinds: Helices, -Strands, turns
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Ribbons – Technique Coarse base mesh Build quads Subdivision using combined BReps (polygonal faces + Catmull/Clark) Fine tuning of subdivision level Curvature, projected size, idle time
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Surfaces What are molecular surfaces? Instead of using fixed resolution (like Marching Cubes), use subdivision surfaces Leads to both: high quality visualization interactivity
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Surfaces – Calculation Calculation: Molecule Spacefill Reduced Surfaces Base mesh Subdivision surfaces
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Structural Lens Combine different visualization styles using their respective technique Improve understanding which substructures define the surface and, therefore, determine the molecule’s function
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Future Work Integrate common tools (e.g. as plug-ins) Sequence-analysis/alignment Blast FASTA Structure definition DSSP Embed additional bio-information, collected from internet or local databases into 3D- structure
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Credit The BioBrowser results from a collaboration project (funded by the German Research Foundation, DFG) between the Institute of Computer Graphics, TU Braunschweig and Structural Biology, Ges. f. Biotechnologische Forschung (GBF), D. Heinz, G. Dieterich, J. Reichelt
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Live Demo Demo
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis References Halm A., Offen L., Fellner D.: Visualization of Complex Molecular Ribbon Structures at Interactive Rates. Proceedings of the Information Visualisation (IV’04), pp Klein T., Ertl T.: Illustrating Magnetic Field Lines using a Discrete Particle Model. VMV 2004
C omputer G raphics, TU Braunschweig EuroVis Thank you for your attention!