NZ Navigator Ministry of Health NGO Health and Disability Sector National Forum 14 March 2014
A free on-line self-assessment tool that helps community organisations to review nine different aspects of their organisation’s operation. NZ NAVIGATOR IS:
The tool is a community initiative that was developed as a partnership by the following agencies: ANGOA & Platform Trust Social Development Partners & Bishop’s Action Foundation Funded by the Department of Internal Affairs THE COMMUNITY PARTNERS OWN THE TOOL
The tool supports and promotes the development of: More effective and efficient organisational systems Better quality services for people Greater credibility and legitimacy with funders Greater accountability back to local communities Enhanced organisational learning and improvement. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS FOR COMMUNITY ORGANISATIONS THAT USE THIS TOOL?
The 9 Domains 1. Direction 2. Governance 3. Leadership 4. People 5. Administration 6. Finances 7. Communication 8. Evaluation 9. Relationships The Work of the Governing Group Does the governing group have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities? Is the governance and operational relationship functional? Does your governing group have the right mix of skills? Are meetings well run with clear decision making processes? Does your organisation have a clear governing document?
Each question has answers organised into five ratings: At Risk Vulnerable Viable Successful Thriving These ratings convert to numbers to produce the scores in your report
For each question and each rating there is a description to help you decide which is the answer that comes closest to describing your organisation. We’ll look at the descriptions for this question: Does the governing group have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities?
Click on the answer that best describes your organisation today...
Organisations get (in each assessment report): a spider graph depicting your scores on a number of essential elements, a tailored report card (including descriptions of best practice) and some proven resources including useful web links for organisational development purposes. You can also compare change over time by reporting on any two of your assessments.
Assessment Report Content: A spider graph shows all of your scores (averaged) by domain)
Using the online resources: Your report includes links to some resources for each domain (eg, quality standards, guides, training courses, etc) that you can consider using to help your organisation improve. NZ Navigator resource links are sourced from…..
Plan: Identifying and analysing the problem. Do: Developing and testing a potential solution. Check:Measuring how effective the solution was, and deciding whether it could be improved in any way. Act: Implementing the improved solution fully. Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle for Improvement
A spider graph shows your domain scores for the two assessments being compared
Come & try it out for yourself over lunch at our stand or……. Come visit us at