0) DCICIS – what does that mean? The purpose is... - to strengthen the international cooperation by coordinating the resources of the organizations for free and indepedent schools in Denmark - to get informations about European movements and developments in terms of free schools in- and outside Europe - to spread informations and knowledge about the educational works of the free schools in DK and the parents roll etc. LOBBYING! DIALOGUE! ARGUMENTS! - AND HARD WORK! 1)Freedom / possibility to start schools / to run schools Alle børn CHILDREN i den undervisningspligtige alder har HAVE ret til fri undervisning RIGHT TO FREE EDUCATION i folkeskolen. Forældre PARENTS WHO DON’T USE THE FOLKESKOLE eller værger, der selv sørger for TAKE CARE OF, at børnene får en undervisning THAT THE EDUCATION, OF THEIR CHILDREN der kan stå mål HAS THE SAME OBJECTIVES (NOT MEASURE(MENT)!! AS IN THE FOLKSKOLE med, hvad der almindeligvis kræves i folkeskolen, er ikke pligtige at lade børnene undervise i folkeskolen. Statistics: (some ppts) Problems: To be too popular or to spoil the political opportunities for the public schools and its politicians. Economic/Social/Cultural/Status ESCS - that’s the most important letters at the moment in Denmark – and in many other countries.. PISA : Waiting for “12-07”. THE NEW TREND: Knowledge-Based Economy ECONOMIC PUNISHMENT: They say, it’s because of the economic worldwide crisis, but it’s not the only reason… We are too big, we are to many, we are too selective, we have not all kind of pupils So the say. But they are wrong (some ppts) Cohesiveness: It takes a village to raise a child…. 2) Governance and inspection Professional and democratic leadership, Transparency, Accountability State Control / Auditing A. Inspection/inspection with certified inspectors (problems with the old system) or B. Selfevaluation (one ppt) 3) Pedagogical freedom for the single schools - and the discussion of how and to which extend the independent schools are socially responsibility in the society. Example: Are we allowed to have Chinese language in the school? YES! But all subjects should be there. In reality they are not… The disciplines: Humanistic Practical/musical (Natural)Science YOU MUST HAVE THE RIGHT TO PRIORITIZE 4) Other topics you think are of greatest relevance and importance for the next 5 years…. To regain the 75 % grants Better grants (or system) for special needs education To be partners – not servants! ECNAIS ECNAIS is an international association for collaboration between national associations of independent schools in European countries. It was founded in 1988 and is registered as a company limited by guarantee not having a share capital under the English Companies Act. | | Ny Kongensgade 10, DK 1472 Copenhagen K, DENMARK | | DCICIS | Denmark Berlin, GERMANY | 19th November 2010 The independent School in Europe today – and the role the national organizations are playing DCICIS/Kurt Ernst THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS CONSEIL EUROPEEN D’ASSOCIATIONS NATIONALES D’ECOLES INDEPENDANTES ECNAIS Danish council for international cooperation for independent schools (DCICIS)