Copyright Copyright David Mamorella This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
NERCOMP ANNUAL CONFERENCE Providence, RI - March 12, 2013 What Makes the Biggest Impact on Student Learning? David Mamorella Instructional Developer / Adjunct Public Speaking Professor Victoria Gurrieri, Jacqueline Warren, Dylan Buckley Students
Student Demographics 114 students surveyed 29% Sr, 40% Jr, 18% So, 12% Fr 39% Psychology Majors 23% Communication Majors 38% Other Majors
Agenda Learning Styles What impacts and motivates students to learn? Classroom Environment How can professors measure student learning? Impact of Blackboard/Technology Findings/Lessons Learned Conclusion Q&A
Learning Styles
What is the most important factor that impacts student learning? The Professor Textbook / Assigned readings Class activities and assignments Your interest level in the class Ability to apply knowledge/skills to real world
What is the most important factor that impacts student learning? #1 – The Professor – 52%
Teaching “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” -William Arthur Ward
Audience Results
What is the biggest factor that motivates you to learn/do well in a class? The Professor Receiving a good grade Acquiring knowledge/skills for use in real world Your interest level in the class Self-fulfillment, sense of accomplishment
What is the biggest factor that motivates you to learn/do well in a class? #1 – Receiving a Good Grade
Audience Results
Which classroom environment do you learn best in? student-centered classroom traditional one-way lecture the classroom environment has little to no impact on how I learn
Which classroom environment do you learn best in?
Interesting Finding Communication Majors 89% student-centered classroom 11% one-way lecture Psychology Majors 60% student-centered classroom 30% one-way lecture 10% classroom environment has no impact
Audience Results
Follow up Question How, or in what ways, does an interactive, engaging classroom impact your learning? OR Does it just make the class more interesting/fun to attend?
Student Comments Captures my attention Helps me understand and retain information longer Getting me involved makes me want to come to class, makes me want to participate. Encourages me to voice my opinion We, as in students, have a short attention span, so it helps keep us awake.
Student Comments Encourages me to not only learn but also do well in classes. I am able to hear what others have to say as well as how my opinions relate/differ from my peers. Makes a more comfortable learning environment Gives you a sense of responsibility and belonging
My Teaching Strategy Arrange seats in U-shape Build community Get students to know one another Post picture/brief bio on Blogs Minimal “lecturing” Class time – Informal, interactive speaking activities and discussions, short video clips
Community Building Activities Fun but serve a purpose Nonverbal Impromptu The HOTSEAT
What are the most effective ways professors can measure student learning? multiple-choice / short answer tests written assignments / papers oral presentations pre/post quizzes student created projects/products student evaluations of the professor/course surveys student self-assessments
What are the most effective ways professors can measure student learning?
Surface Learning If multiple-choice testing = memorization and recall of information which is often forgotten by students shortly after the course has ended, then what’s the point? Numerous studies at several universities world-wide found that students became stronger surface learners in college and not deep learners.
My Public Speaking class Deep Learning Assignments Survey Presentation Debate Ceremonial Speech Student Self-Assessments Students watch themselves on video
Student Self-Assessments Self-assessments are invaluable Goal of my class: Confidence How do I measure confidence?
Surveys iclickers
Audience Results
Do you expect professors to use Blackboard or technology to some extent in the classroom?
Does the professor’s use of technology improve your learning?
Key Point Technology does not teach students - effective teachers do. How will incorporating technology improve/enhance teaching and learning? Why is this a Bad Podcast?
Advantages of using Blackboard 95% Viewing course content 94% Viewing your grades/feedback 72% Communicating with the professor and students 62% Submitting assignments/tests
Weaknesses/Disadvantages of Blackboard 45% - Technical difficultiesTechnical difficulties 42% - We had a Blackboard site but the professor rarely used it. 30% - Professor’s inexperience with using Blackboard
What Blackboard communication tools do you find useful / not useful? Useful, if used 99% Announcements 84% /Messages 76% Calendar 73% Discussion Board 60% Groups 56% Journal 54% Wiki 52% Chat 46% Blogs
What Blackboard communication tools have you never used? Never Used 77% Chat 75% Wikis 63% Blogs 60% Journals 59% Groups 51% Calendar
How does participating in a required online discussion impact your learning? 35% - Never participated in an online discussion
Findings / Lessons Learned It’s not what you take, it’s who you take Motivation - Receiving a Good Grade Student-Centered Classroom preferred MC/Short answer tests were most beneficial; written assignments a close 2 nd Surface Learning vs Deep Learning
Findings / Lessons Learned Students have different learning preferences that vary based on major Blackboard Students expect professors to use it It’s helpful and improves learning Required Online Discussions - mixed results Further research needed
Findings / Lessons Learned A much larger sample size from a cross- range of majors is needed. It would be interesting to compare results of student learning across majors.
"Ask not what your students can do for you - ask what you can do for your students"
Questions? David Mamorella Victoria Gurrieri Jacqueline Warren Dylan Buckley