We Have The Information, Now What???
What can we do with all of the information that we collect? zCrop History (Varieties, Herbicides, Weed Pressures, Manure Applications, Past Field Divisions, Yield Data) zFertility Data (Phosphate, Potassium, pH, Buffer pH) zPlanting Data (Planting Date, Fertilizer, Seed, Herbicide, Insecticide Rates) zSoil Characteristic Data (O.M., CEC, Soil Type, Tile Lines, Compaction) zTopography (Elevation from Yield Monitor or the Geological Survey) zWeather History (Rainfall Data, Heat Units, Soil Temperatures) zYield Information (Yield, Moisture, Harvest Dates, Elevation, Normalized Yield) What Do I Do Now? Collectible Information
Let’s take a look at the process of sorting through the data. zStart with a plan zNeed to have an end goal in mind zCollect the Data zInterpret the Data zDecision Making zImplementation zEvaluation Don’t let this happen to you! Develop a plan.
What your plan should include. zWhat do you want to obtain with Precision Ag? zDecide which technologies you will provide you the most benefits. zDevelop a time line for each process. zDecide how each step will be best accomplished. zDecide who will be responsible for each step. zDevelop on farm tests to measure your progress. zKeep accurate records of anything that could affect your yield.
Start With Grid Soil Sampling zCorrect any yield limiting factors. yFertility recommendations are based off of the CEC, Crop Removal, Years to Build, Years to Apply, Row Starter Used and any Manure Applied. yLime Applications are based off of the Buffer pH, Type of Lime, Desired pH. yUse VRA either through the Mount Vernon Farmers Exchange or on your own equipment to bring your fertility levels up to their optimum levels. zBy correcting these yield limiting factors you will receive the maximum return on investment for your crop inputs.
Field Survey zDetermine the acreage of each soil type within a field. zDocument any environmental concerns. yWells, point of entry of an intermittent streams, gardens and landscaping close to the field boundary zDocument any known crop history. zDocument any known drainage and weed problems.
Plant with a plan zAs always use good agronomics. zChoose the proper seed varieties, population, row starter and crop protection. zRecord planting date, population, variety, seed size, seed treatment, starter rate, tillage, soil condition, and herbicide application. zPlant several yield trials to help you make sound agronomic decisions in the future.
Variable Rate Chemical Application zThe formula for variable rate herbicide application is calculated from O.M., CEC and past weed pressure. zWe have a Ro-Gator equipped for variable rate application. zWith variable rate herbicide application will provide optimum weed control with minimum crop stress.
Field Scouting zScout your fields in a timely manor. zDocument any weed, disease or insect pressure, stand counts and soil conditions. zIf any economic thresholds are met treat as necessary. zTake pre-side dress nitrate test to determine if additional nitrogen is needed. zWe will be taking pre side dress nitrate test on different soil type this summer to help determine the proper rate of nitrogen for each soil type.
Record Yield Information zKeep track of yields trough weights or a yield monitor. zEvaluate the information and determine what happened and why. zUse that information to make better informed decisions.
Lets Take a Look at a Yield map zThe yield in this field varies from Bu. per acre zThe field average was Bu. per acre. zWhy does it Vary?
Lets look at the fertility levels Phosphate Levels Potassium Levels
What about the pH? zFertility and pH are not Yield limiting factors in most of this field.