Ag Fact! 9/7 There are over ___ different careers in the agricultural industries! Name as many as you can think of: Leadership Camp permission form/money! BE HERE BEFORE 3PM SATURDAY (2:45)!
Ag Fact! 9/7 There are over 300 different careers in the agricultural industries! Name as many as you can think of: Leadership Camp permission form/money! BE HERE BEFORE 3PM SATURDAY!
Intro to Ag Science Sutherlin AST CASE Intro to AFNR What is Agriculture? Intro to Ag Science Sutherlin AST CASE Intro to AFNR
Facets of Agriculture Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 1 Lesson 1.1 Agriculture Everyday What is agriculture? On your Presentation Notes page, answer the following question: What is the first word or thought that comes to your mind when you hear the word agriculture? This is a good time to introduce students to proper note taking procedures. For each PowerPoint® or multimedia presentation and some classroom demonstrations, students will completely fill out a Presentation Notes set and insert these note pages into their Agriscience Notebooks in the appropriate area. In the case of this slide, instruct students to write down the question and the answer. The brainstorming activity will help reveal student misconceptions and assist students in self-reflection. Ask students to share their response. The National Council for Agricultural Education Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education Copyright 2010
What Agriculture is Not Facets of Agriculture Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 1 Lesson 1.1 Agriculture Everyday What Agriculture is Not Many people associate farming with agriculture – you may have written this as your response, too. If you did, you are partially correct, but agriculture is much more than farming, contrary to common belief. While many people believe that agriculture is farming, and that thought is partially correct, agriculture is much more than just farming. The National Council for Agricultural Education Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education Copyright 2010
Areas of Study in Agriculture Facets of Agriculture Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 1 Lesson 1.1 Agriculture Everyday Areas of Study in Agriculture Agribusiness Agricultural education Agricultural law and policy Animal science Aquaculture Biotechnology Communications Food science Forestry Marketing Natural resources management Plant science Soil science Students may brainstorm other areas not listed. Some responses may fit under the headings provided. Students will begin to understand the various industries that fit under agriculture. The National Council for Agricultural Education Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education Copyright 2010
Production Agriculture Facets of Agriculture Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 1 Lesson 1.1 Agriculture Everyday Production Agriculture Process of raising plants and animals for food, fiber, and fuel. “Farming”, aka production agriculture, is only a small portion of the industry. Less than 2% of Americans are involved in production agriculture. Production agriculture in this sense is referring to farming. The stereotype of “farming” or “farmers” will generate different responses from students depending upon your local area. It is important to discuss the stereotypes and check for misunderstandings. The following slides will show students there is much more to agriculture than just producing commodities. The National Council for Agricultural Education Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education Copyright 2010
What Agriculture Produces Facets of Agriculture Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 1 Lesson 1.1 Agriculture Everyday What Agriculture Produces A common view of agriculture is Production Agriculture Food, fiber, and fuel The broad view of agriculture is that food, fiber, and fuel are produced. The National Council for Agricultural Education Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education Copyright 2010
There is much more on the peripheral… Facets of Agriculture Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 1 Lesson 1.1 Agriculture Everyday There is much more on the peripheral… The following are required for the production of plants and animals: Agricultural Supplies Agricultural Services Research And Development However, it is important to understand that many different components are needed to produce commodities. Every component is likely to be classified as their own industry within the broader umbrella called agriculture. Food, fiber, and fuel The National Council for Agricultural Education Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education Copyright 2010
Agriculture Production Industries Facets of Agriculture Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 1 Lesson 1.1 Agriculture Everyday Agriculture Production Industries Agricultural Service Mechanics, computer technicians, irrigation managers, agronomist, loan officers Agricultural Supplies Fertilizers, chemicals, machinery and implements, animal feed Research and Development Geneticists, crop and animal scientists, biotechnicians, plant breeder These are some examples of each industry providing integral components for agricultural production. You may have local examples to include as well. The National Council for Agricultural Education Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education Copyright 2010
Once produced then what? Facets of Agriculture Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 1 Lesson 1.1 Agriculture Everyday Once produced then what? Products of agriculture are called commodities. Commodities require post-harvest inputs. Food, fiber, and fuel Processing Transportation Once commodities are produced, there are several inputs that add value or prepare the commodity for human use. Each of these areas are also industries associated with agricultural production. Marketing Research and Development The National Council for Agricultural Education Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education Copyright 2010
Post-Harvest Inputs Processing Marketing Research and Development Facets of Agriculture Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 1 Lesson 1.1 Agriculture Everyday Post-Harvest Inputs Processing Packaging, canning or freezing, slaughtering, combining commodities for customer use Marketing Advertising, product packaging, distribution systems Research and Development Food scientists, chemists, commodity researchers Transportation By land, rail, air, and water The above slide provides some examples of the post-harvest aspects of the industries involved in agriculture. The National Council for Agricultural Education Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education Copyright 2010
Facets of Agriculture Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 1 Lesson 1.1 Agriculture Everyday Agribusiness All of the inputs and production practices required for agricultural commodities to be developed and delivered. Over 45% of all Americans work in agribusiness related careers compared to only 2% in actual production agriculture. Agribusiness is a concept of the whole system involved in production and distribution of commodities. This larger umbrella of industries associated with agricultural production provides a major share of the jobs in the entire United States. Explain to students as they go through the course, they will begin to explore a variety of areas within the field of agriculture study. The National Council for Agricultural Education Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education Copyright 2010
Facets of Agriculture Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 1 Lesson 1.1 Agriculture Everyday References United States Department of Labor. (2006). Career guide to industries. Retrieved September 2, 2008, from The National Council for Agricultural Education Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education Copyright 2010