WHO WE ARE Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21), Secretariat hosted by OECD in Paris Founding members (1999) United Nations World Bank European Commission Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development International Monetary Fund Vision of global partnership Operating at national, regional and global level Bringing together users and producers of statistics in developing and developed countries in order to strengthen statistical capacities in low income countries
PARIS21 Programme PARIS21 facilitates, at the request of countries: Co-ordination Local, regional and international Advocacy Production and promotion of statistical advocacy material National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) Advise in developing / improving NSDS processes Knowledge archiving, documenting, disseminating existing microdata IHSN program with World Bank) CANKCANK
HOW WE ARE DIFFERENT? PARIS21 is a unique entity in the crowded field of statistical capacity development: Nature of the partnership : data producers and users/international organisations/developing countries/donors Strong national network Neutral – no specific agenda Innovative and flexible
BAPS Implementation of Busan Action Plan – Gap analysis – Exploring new issues reflecting a changed context e.g. technology, big data, user–producer dialogue – Supporting data dissemination and visualisation
More surveys after MDGs Source: IHSN and ADP
Shift in focus? …depends where! Source: IHSN and ADP
Emerging priorities Strengthening the partnership : a forum of exchange on current (hot) topics Bridging statistical policy analysis Deepening the good in-country work