Lucila Beato UNMIL/HRPS


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Presentation transcript:

Lucila Beato UNMIL/HRPS Applying a HRBA to Monitoring the Implementation of the AfT: Review of Basic Principles Lucila Beato UNMIL/HRPS Buchanan, 15/11/2012 This session explains: What is HRBA Why a HRBA

1. What is Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA). 2 1. What is Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA)? 2. The HRBA in the Development Processes 3. Linking Rights with Results: Monitoring and Evaluation This session explains: What is HRBA Why a HRBA

What is HRBA? This session explains: What is HRBA to development programming

What is a Human Rights Based Approach? The development process is normatively based on international HR standards and principles It recognizes human beings as rights-holders and establishes obligations for duty-bearers. It focuses on discriminated and marginalized groups It aims for the progressive achievement of all human rights It gives equal importance to the outcome and process of development Tip for presenter. This presentation comes after the group work on the HRBA which will have already dealt with a lot of content issues that are covered in the present session. While running the presentation, do refer to issues emerge and discussed in the groups work.

What is a human rights-based approach to development? Rhetorical repackaging? Political conditionality? Adding human rights activities? Tip for presenter. This presentation comes after the group work on the HRBA which will have already dealt with a lot of content issues that are covered in the present session. While running the presentation, do refer to issues emerge and discussed in the groups work. 5

A HRBA helps the UN and partners to answer 4 critical questions: Who has been left behind and why? What are they entitled to?  Who has to do something about it?  What do they need, to take action?

Why a human rights-based approach? Intrinsic value based on universal values Universal legal standards for a life with dignity Instrumental to intervention strategies Addresses power inequalities and discrimination Deals with weaknesses in accountability systems Objective framework to manage conflicts and seek redress Institutional reasons (UN comparative advantage) Impartiality to deal with sensitive issues Holistic analysis and integral responses to problems

What is a Human Rights-Based Approach? Conscious and systematic integration of human rights standards and human rights principles in all aspects of programming work A human rights-based approach entails consciously and systematically paying attention to human rights and rights principles in all aspects of programming work.

Step by Step to a HRBA Human Rights Principles 1. Situation Assessment and Analysis 2. Planning and Design 4. Monitoring and Evaluation 3. Implementation

A HRBA… Emphasizes processes and outcomes Draws attention to marginalized populations Works towards equitable service delivery Extends and deepens participation Ensures local ownership of development processes Strengthens accountability of all actors

The Human Rights Based Approach in the Development Process

All programmes of development co-operation should further the realization of human rights as laid down in the UDHR and other international human rights instruments GOAL The realization of human rights is the ultimate goal of all development programmes HRBA influences the identification of the strategic priorities Programming is informed by the recommendations of International HR bodies and mechanisms

2) Human rights standards and principles guide all development cooperation and programming in all sectors and in all phases of the programming process PROCESS Human Rights standards and principles improve the quality of outcomes and processes Human rights standards delineate the ‘playing field’ in which development takes place HR principles provide the “playing rules” for the development process.

…The integration of human rights principles and standards into all stages of the programming process… ASSESSMENT & ANALYSIS MONITORING AND EVALUATION PRIORITY SETTING PROGRAMME PLANNING AND DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION

Human Rights Standards The normative content of the right: the type of claims and corresponding obligations contained in a right In programming, the standards guide: …Identification of development challenges as human rights issues (assessment) …Analysis of roles and capacities of rights-holders and duty bearers …Definition of development objectives …Formulation of corresponding benchmarks and indicators 15

Human Rights Principles Universality and inalienability Indivisibility Interdependence and Inter-relatedness Equality and non-discrimination Participation and inclusion Accountability and rule of law

Participation and empowerment: both a means and an end « The Government will promote farmer-based organization as representatives of farming communities and will ensure their role in local level planning. FBOs will play a key role in defining the kinds of services to be provided and will be the main mechanism for building the capacity of farmers » (Liberia PRS, p. 63). Empowerment ↑↑ Joint decision making Consultation Information sharing 17

Focus on relation individuals-State (claims-obligations) 3) Development cooperation contributes to the development of the capacities of ‘duty-bearers’ to meet their obligations and/or of ‘rights-holders’ to claim their rights OUTCOME Focus on relation individuals-State (claims-obligations) Shifting development from service delivery as primary focus to building capacity to claim and fulfil human rights States require capacity to strengthen national protection systems and comply with their obligations

Rights-holders and Duty-bearers Right-holders: 6,652,595,567 persons Every individual, either a man woman or child, of any race, ethnic group or social condition To some extent groups Duty-bearers: Much less Primarily States In some cases individuals have specific obligations Individuals and private entities have generic responsibilities towards the community to respect the rights of others

The role of Capacity Development

Linking Rights with Results: Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring vs. Evaluation Systematic, ongoing During programme implementation Tracking of activities and progress According to AWP For short term corrective action Accountability for implementation Contributes to evaluation Conducted by insiders Are we doing things right? Systematic, periodic During and after programme implementation Judgment of merit, value or worth of a programme/project Compared to evaluation criteria (relevance, effectiveness, impact) For decision-making about future programmes Accountability for results For office & organizational learning Conducted by impartial outsiders Did we do the right things?

Measures of performance Monitoring = Are we doing things right Measures of performance Monitoring = Are we doing things right? Evaluation = Did we do the right things? Indicators = How do we know?

What is an indicator? A tool to measure: (i) evidence of progress towards a result or (ii) that a result has been achieved Indicators can be: (i) quantitative (ii) qualitative

HRBA to Monitoring & Evaluation Systems Based on claims and obligations in human rights standards What to measure? Programme performance (Impact, Outcomes, Output) Programme process: Participation, accountability and non-discrimination Programme context: existence of laws, policies and institutional mechanisms Duty-bearers’ efforts to meet their obligations Right-holders’ disparities in enjoying rights Based on human rights principles

HRBA to Monitoring & Evaluation How to measure? Identify the rights-holders and duty-bearers who will contribute to the M&E process either as: -Information providers, for example line ministries -Independent information interpreters, for example National Human Rights Institutions Bring them together in a participatory process Ensure access to available information and data on the programme