Data Management for the SSH, what is SO specific about the SSH? Daan Broeder, MPG-PL
Background for this question ESFRI cluster projects as DASISH are partly meant meant to investigate: – Do the SSH have common requirements for infrastructure services? – Are there scale advantages by sharing? – Can we profit from common negotiations with service providers? Probably yes … but are the SSH the most optimal group for this?
Data Management Specificity Overview SubjectSSH specificMore broad Note Access & security policiesXHuman subject privacy issues + medical AAI infraXOnly systems with moderate levels of security investigated e.g. FIM PIDsX Metadata based resource discovery (Interdisciplinary catalogue) Xbut search facet set dependent on community or purpose Metadata schema & vocabulariesXMore restricted discipline specific AND broader e.g. DC, DataCite Tool registriesX ?In practice this seems so workflows & web service registriesXTechnology is general SSH need specific UI & terminology use Web-based annotation/linking dataXthe web is a data source for many disciplines
Future Need projects for community collaborations of different size and composition and with specific subjects But most data management issues can be provided by general service providers – with limited discipline specific adaptations – should have flexibility/sensitivity (no top down) – get adequate feedback from the communities