Part 1: Classical Paradigms Generalization in Educational Research Beyond the Qualitative/ Quantitative Divide
Generalizing in Educational Research Analytic generalization Probabilistic generalization Essentialistic generalization
Criteria for Generalizing Limitations in analytic and probabilistic G.analyticprobabilistic Not identifying the essential in essentialistic G.essentialistic Population heterogeneityheterogeneity Users as criterion Expanding methods (Bayesian) – p(H 0 |data) vs. p(data|H 0 )
Part 2: “What More?” Researching Living/Lived Mathematical Work
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Husserl, E. (1939). Die Frage nach dem Ursprung der Geometrie als intentional-historisches Problem. Revue internationale de philosophie 1, 203–225.
“The temporally placed label of an angle or its apparently disengaged placement in a finished figure exhibits this seen relationship as a proof-specific relevance” (p. 96) Livingston, E. (1987). Making sense of ethnomethodology. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Husserl, E. (1939). Die Frage nach dem Ursprung der Geometrie als intentional-historisches Problem. Revue internationale de philosophie 1, 203–225.
Analytic generalization
Essentialistic generalization