Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: How will life in 2050 be like in Nordhausen
Introduction Energy consumption of Nordhausen: 709.000 MWh per year for electricity How to solve that in 2050??? Political measures Suitable systems Thoughts of inhabitants
Renewable Energies Photovoltaics Wind Power Biogas Geothermal Power Hydroelectric What is suitable for Nordhausen?
Photovoltaic systems suitable for Nordhausen? Can be built on impractical places Solar radiation of Nordhausen between 1000 and 1020 KWh/m²a Approximately 100 kWh/m²a
Wind power suitable for Nordhausen? Average wind speed is approximately 5 m/s Enough space around Nordhausen Can produce energy at low wind speed
Biogas systems suitable for Nordhausen? Can be used out of private households Used for community heating, electricity and fuel production Nordhausen is surrounded by agricultural areas Biowaste converted to energy
Geothermal and Hydroelectric systems suitable for Nordhausen? Geothermal power plant Hydroelectric power plant
Community feelings Solarsystems on every roof are possible But low costs for every inhabitant Less taxes for people who supply themselves self-sustaining
Financial support for renovating of buildings Renewable industry can be enlarged locally to provide new jobs Projects in school to create a conciousness for renewable energy
Thank you for your attention!!!!! Resumé We need a mix of renewable energies Companies and politics have to work together! Opinion of inhabitants needs to be respected! Thank you for your attention!!!!!