To complete my assignment : AO6 – Research the Environmental Economic & Ethical issues relating to the manufacture of Paper
Briefly describe the environmental, economic and ethical issues related to manufacturing paper. Make a basic ethical judgment Describe in detail the wide ranging environmental, economic and ethical issues related to manufacturing paper. Make sound ethical judgements. Provide a bibliography
To make a power point on the environmental, economic and ethical issues of making paper 2 lessons to complete it min One slide per word
Think – while you are watching what do this mean to me Pair – discuss if on is right? Why? And what this may mean to the globe and to use Share – with the group
Ethical – right or wrong, good or bad Economic - social science that analyses the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
rees/home (buildingspacestrees) rees/home r/earth_answers/earthAnswers.htm r/earth_answers/earthAnswers.htm
Read through your neighbours work List two thing that went well (stars) List one thing that would be Even better if (wish)