Warriors Don’t Cry Vocabulary Definitions
Chapters Indignant- (adj)- Angry at something unjust or wrong; wrath; passionate; irate. 2. Chastise- (v)- To punish or criticize severely; rebuke. 3. Cowered- (v) – To cringe in fear.
Chapters 1-6 (con’t) 4. Meticulous –(adj) – Extremely careful and precise; Extremely or excessively concerned with details. 5. Predicament- (n)- An unpleasant or troublesome situation in which there seems to be no way out. 6. Coax – (v) To ask or persuade in a gentle, flattering manner; wheedle.
Chapters 1-6 (con’t) 7. Incendiary – (Adj) – Stirring up trouble, rebellion, or the like. 8. Moot- (adj) – Of no practical importance; irrelevant.
Chapters Clamor- (n)- A loud outcry; protest; hubbub. 2. Transfixed –(adj)- Rendered motionless, as with terror. 3. Pristine – (adj)- Remaining in a pure state; uncorrupted.
Chapters 7-12 (con’t) 4. Respite- (n) – A short interval of rest or relief; postponement. 5. Implore- (v)- To entreat; beseech; beg. 6. Fatalistic- (Adj)- Believing that all events are predetermined by fate. 7. Barrage- (n)- A rapid, concentrated outpouring. 8. Jubilant- (adj)- Feeling or expressing great joy.
Chapters Vigilance – (n)- Alert watchfulness; care; caution. 2. Turmoil- (n)- State of extreme confusion or agitation; commotion; disquiet. 3. Adamant- (adj)- Unsusceptible to persuasion; impervious to pleas, appeals, or reason.
Chapters (con’t) 4. Careened- (v)- To rush headlong or carelessly; to lurch or swerve while in motion. 5. Vicarious – (adj) – Felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another. 6. Emaciated- (adj)- Extremely thin, especially as a result of starvation.
Chapters (con’t) 7. Mulling – (v)- To go over extensively in the mind; ponder. 8. Accolades- (n)- Expression of approval; praise; acknowledgement; award.