What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You! By John McCullum
Summary John Richard Student teacher Attempting to review in a fashion different from that of the regular teacher Richard Begin fighting with another student Continues problematic behavior after being confronted and getting administration involved
Issues Unknown Behavioral Problems Ethnic Divisions Academic Divisions Students formed groups accordingly Academic Divisions “All the smart kids were in one group” Richard and Chris Argument erupts from each end of the spectrum Chris is a high achiever, Richard is a low achiever Chris escapes!!
Actions Punish Chris Seek Help Sooner Punish Neither Child Show Richard behavior is not acceptable to help with his problem Teach Chris how to back down or let it go Seek Help Sooner Ask other teachers and administrators about Richards behavior Consult administration about the repeated threats Punish Neither Child Allow the incident to go unchecked
Knowledge The knowledge needed would be the previous history of Richard More teaching experience Better understanding of Richard’s type of behavioral problem
Perspectives Richard Chris John Does not understand why Chris did not receive the same treatment Is ready to “fight to the death” for what his mind is telling him Chris Defending himself John Two disruptive children Wants to regain control so other students can learn
Consequences Punish Chris Seek Help Sooner Punish Neither Child Chris may become a further problem when the two boys meet in detention. Seek Help Sooner John learns about Richards problem sooner Administration records the outburst and seeks further help for Richard Punish Neither Child Richard and Chris fight again Next day Outside school Behavior goes unchecked Appears acceptable