Patient Survey Results Lower Clapton Group Practice PPG February 2013
Generally, how easy is it to get through to someone at the surgery on the phone? Very easy 18% Fairly easy 32% Not very easy 27% Not at all easy 14% Don’t know 1% Haven’t tried 4% No response 4%
How helpful do you find the receptionists at the surgery? Very helpful 53% Fairly helpful 37% Not very helpful 5% Not at all helpful 2% Don’t know 0% No response 3%
In the reception area, can other patients overhear what you say to the receptionist? Yes, but I don't mind 58% Yes, and I'm not happy about it 24% No, other patients can't overhear 4% Don't know 9% No response 5%
Which of the following methods would you prefer to use to book appointments at surgery? Tick all that apply In person 37% By phone 74% By fax machine 0% Online 33% No preference 2% Are you aware of the practice information leaflet which contains advice on how to book appointments? Yes 26% No 62% No response 12% Are you aware of the practice website and where to find it online? Yes 29% No 64% No response 7%
Making an appointment – with who and when? 73% wanted to see GP 7% wanted to see nurse 7% wanted to speak to GP 4% didn’t mind
Overall, how would you describe your experience of making an appointment? Very good 37% Fairy good 31% Neither good nor poor 11% Fairly poor 12% No response 9%
How long after your appointment time do you normally wait to be seen? Less than 5 minutes 7% 5 to 15 minutes 37% More than 15 minutes 40% I can't remember 2% No response 12% I don't normally have appointments at a particular time 2%
How do you feel about how long you normally have to wait to be seen? I don't normally have to wait too long 40% I have to wait a bit too long 26% I have to wait far too long 14% No opinion/doesn't apply 7% No response 13%
Experience of last GP appointment Giving you enough time (%)Listening to you (%)
Experience of last GP appointment Explaining tests and treatments (%)Involving you in decisions about your care (%)
Experience of last GP appointment Treating you with care and concern (%) Did you have confidence and trust in the GP you saw or spoke to? (%)
Experience of last nurse appointment Giving you enough time (%)Listening to you (%)
Experience of last nurse appointment Explaining tests and treatments (%)Involving you in decisions about your care (%)
Experience of last nurse appointment Treating you with care and concern (%) Did you have confidence and trust in the nurse you saw or spoke to? (%)
Surgery opening hours How satisfied are you with the hours that the surgery is open? Which of the following additional opening times would make it easier for you to see or speak to someone? Before 8am 30% At lunchtime 14% After 6.30pm 24% On a Saturday 32% On a Sunday 11% None of these, the current opening hours are convenient for me 13%
The surgery building How clean is the practice building?Do you think that the practice building is in good condition?
Overall, how would you describe your experience of the surgery? Excellent 23% Very good 31% Good 24% Fair 7% Poor 0% Very poor 0% No response 15%
Would you recommend Lower Clapton Group Practice to someone who has just moved to your local area? Yes, definitely 53% Yes, probably 26% No, probably not 3% No, definitely not 0% Don’t know 1% No response 17%
About you Gender: – Male 32% – Female 53% – No response 15% Age: – Under 16 1% – 16 to 44 40% – 45 to 64 34% – 65 to 74 7% – 75 or over 3% – No response 15% Ethnic Group: – White 43% – Black or Black British 27% – Asian or Asian British 7% – Mixed 3% – Chinese 0% – Other ethnic group 6% – No response 14% Employment: – Employed (full or part time, including self-employed) 51% – Unemployed / looking for work 11% – At school or in full time education 3% – Unable to work due to long term sickness 7% – Looking after your home/family 1% – Retired from paid work 13% – Other 0% – No response 14%