Guidelines on Building and Using Power Source: Yukl (1998)
Legitimate Power: How to Increase and Maintain Power Gain more formal authority Use symbols of authority Get people to acknowledge authority Exercise authority regularly Follower proper channels in giving orders Back up authority with reward and coercive power
Legitimate Power: How to Use Power Effectively Make polite, clear requests Explain the reasons for a request Don’t exceed your scope of authority Verify authority if necessary Be sensitive to target concerns Follow up to verify compliance Insist on compliance if appropriate
Reward Power: How to Increase and Maintain Power Discover what people need and want Gain more control over rewards Ensure people you know control rewards Don’t promise more than you can deliver Don’t use rewards in a manipulative way Avoid complex, mechanical incentives Don’t use rewards for personal benefit
Reward Power: How to Use Power Effectively Offer desirable rewards Offer fair and ethical rewards Explain criteria for giving rewards Provide rewards as promised Use rewards symbolically to reinforce desirable behavior
Expert Power: How to Increase and Maintain Power Gain more relevant knowledge Keep informed about technical matters Develop exclusive sources of information Use symbols to verify expertise Demonstrate competence by solving difficult problems Don’t make rash, careless statements Don’t lie or misrepresent the facts Don’t keep changing positions
Expert Power: How to Use Power Effectively Explain the reasons for a request or proposal Explain why a request is important Provide evidence that a proposal will be successful Listen seriously to target concerns Show respect for target (don’t be arrogant) Act confident and decisive in a crisis
Referent Power: How to Increase and Maintain Power Show acceptance and positive regard Act supportive and helpful Don’t manipulate and exploit people for personal advantage Defend someone’s interests and back them up when appropriate Keep promises Make self-sacrifices to show concern Use sincere forms of ingratiation
Referent Power: How to Use Power Effectively Use personal appeals when necessary Indicate that a request is important to you Don’t ask for a personal favor that is excessive given the relationship Provide an example of proper behavior (role modeling)
Coercive Power: How to Increase and Maintain Power Identify credible penalties to deter unacceptable behavior Gain authority to use punishments Don’t make rash threats Don’t use coercion in a manipulative way Use only punishments that are legitimate Fit punishments to the infraction Don’t use coercion for personal benefit
Coercive Power: How to Use Power Effectively Inform target of rules and penalties Give ample prior warnings Understand situation before punishing Remain calm and helpful, not hostile Encourage improvement to avoid the need for punishment Ask target to suggest ways to improve Administer discipline in private