Ian Paisley
Personal life born in Armagh his father - an independent Baptist pastor married Eileen Cassells five children
Political career politician and church minister leader (Anführer) of the Democratic Unionist Party (DPU) 1969, he was jailed (im Gefängnis absitzen) along with Ronald Bunting = because of an illegal counter- demonstration (Gegendemonstration)
The 1985 Anglo-Irish Agreement: “Ulster says no” = Paisley was against the Anglo- Irish Agreement, Agreement provided (ausgestattet) for an Irish input (Aufwand)into the governing of Northern Ireland elected (gewählt) First Minister, 2007 he took a stand (er setzte sich) against equality (gegen eine Gleichberechtigung) of the Catholic-Irish people from the north
for 25 years he worked in the European Parliament In 2008 he had to surrender his post (Regierung abgeben), but it didn’t fit with his plans