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Adjusting Point Values You can adjust the +/- point values for the buttons underneath each team’s score. You can set two different values, in addition to +/- 1. The larger default value is 10. The smaller default value is 5. To adjust the points, use the controls on the right. Current large value is: 10 Current small value is: 5 5 Change Back to Scoreboard
This PowerPoint Scoreboard uses macros to function properly. Macros are essentially small pieces of code that allow PowerPoint to work in ways in addition to the built-in functions. Microsoft tries to block macros as they can contain viruses. In order to use this scoreboard, you will need to enable content (don’t worry it is virus free). You should see the following warning as soon as you open the file. Click on ‘Enable content for this session’. If you didn’t enable content at the beginning, you will need to exit (by pressing the Exit button, or the Esc key on your keyboard) and opening the file again. You will need to enable macros every time you open the file. The Quick Start and Settings buttons on the front page will not work until macros are enabled. Click here first, and then click OK. Enabling Macros Start Adding Points Changing Point Values About
Use the buttons on the side to add or subtract one point. The numbers at the bottom can be used to add or subtract more points. These are customizable in the settings menu (see Changing Point Values). Enabling Macros Start Adding Points Changing Point Values About
STEP1. To change the points value, click on the Settings icon. STEP 2. Then click on the Change button for the value (large / small) you want to change. STEP 3. Finally enter the new points value and click OK. You can set 2 different values of points to add and subtract in the scoreboard. You can do this before using the scoreboard, or at any point during the game. The default values are 10 and 5, and are called ‘large’ and ‘small’ respectively. You can set the values to anything you like, however an upper limit of 999 is suggested. The maximum score for any one team is 32767, and should be taken into consideration when setting the scores. Enabling Macros Start Adding Points Changing Point Values About
Scoreboard v 1.0 Created by David Harbinson - November 2013 For assistance with Scoreboard, or if you find a bug, please go to davidharbinson.com and click on ‘Contact’.Contact Enabling Macros Start Adding Points Changing Point Values About