How to Transform Your Life, City, and Nation
Revelation to Reward Every Conquest begins with Revelation Isaiah 43:19 When the Lord asks a question, He’s trying to get you to Think Differently. Asking the Lord, also provokes an answer.
Partners with Christ Romans 8:16-17 When we partner with Christ we begin seeing His plan of awakening for America.
Seeing as the Lord Sees How do you see your city, state and nation? Zechariah 4:2—The Lord asks, “What do you see?” Seeing as Heaven Sees Tell Encounter Florida is a Seer State Cindy Jacobs 8/15/09
Discovering your Redemptive Gifts and Purpose Genesis 49:8; I Chronicles 12:32 Your Life Your City Your State
Recognize Kingdom Authority Joshua 1:3-5 Genesis 1:26-28 Psalm 8:4-6 Story of Capital
Change the Atmosphere How a Culture is Formed Spiritual Influence is exerted—Good or Bad This Creates an Atmosphere Examples—Amsterdam; Berlin; Nazareth When the Atmosphere is sustained it creates a climate If Climate is sustained it will create belief systems. Strongholds are created. A Culture forms Examples: Berkeley; Haight-Asbury Streets
Change the Atmosphere Through Worship Corporate worship changes the atmosphere over a city. Psalm 22:3 Worship in public places will change the atmosphere over a region.
Change the Atmosphere Through Intercession Moving from Priestly Petition only to Kingly Decrees Matthew 6:9-10 Psalm 24 Priestly Prayer are from the earth upward. Kingly Decrees are from Heaven Downward.
Change the Atmosphere Through Intercession-Cont’d Kingly Decrees 1 Peter 2:9 Royal—Basileios – royal; kingly; regal. From the root Basileus meaning foundation of power; a sovereign; a king Proclaim—Exaggello from Ex – out and aggello – to tell; to declare; To tell out; Declare abroad Excellencies or Praises—Arete – Superiority of God revealed