Yakama Nation Pacific Lamprey Recovery Project Core Data And Monitoring Framework.


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Presentation transcript:

Yakama Nation Pacific Lamprey Recovery Project Core Data And Monitoring Framework

Project Goals The goal of the Yakama Nation is to restore natural production of Pacific lamprey to a level that will provide robust species abundance, significant ecological contributions and meaningful harvest within the Yakama Nations Ceded Lands and in the Usual and Accustomed areas. Implement habitat restoration, Implement supplementation and associated research, Monitor long-term Status and Trend.

Focus of Presentation Status and Trend Monitoring Measure benefits from supplementation Monitor natural production Associated data collection

Bottom Line Need a method to measure Relative Abundance with some: – level of accuracy, and – Comparability over time and space. AND – Contributes to Status and Trend, and – Measures progress of supplementation. AND Consistent and coordinated between tribes, states and USFWS Interested in accuracy – recognize problems with precision (to many variables that cannot be measured with high confidence).

Premises Yakima population is functionally extirpated Provides clean slate – rational for supplementation Art prop allows us to put fish where we know they “will” be – measure growth, other attributes. Our objective is to have many, many 100’s of thousands of juveniles in the Yakima – measuring to a high level of precision is not important towards interest in measuring sharply increasing trend of juvenile production. Genetics issues are being built into this effort in terms of risk management – not a part of this discussion.

Data Outputs Geographic Scales Data collected for several objectives – at several geographic scales. 10 M: density, habitat preference, habitat composition 100 M: relative abundance, status and trend (building block to reach scale population estimates) 1000 M: abundance estimates, status and trend, identification / actions addressing limiting factors

Data Outputs XXX Exploratory Survey – Presence or Not Found – Fish numbers / size estimated; “quick survey” Index Survey – Relative abundance – Annual variation Extensive Surveys – Seasonal variation – art- prop monitoring – Growth, distribution, habitat preference / use

Analysis Unit 2 Analysis Unit 1 Analysis Unit 3 Lamprey River 3 Analysis Units 6 Reaches 11 Index Sites 3 Extensive Sites Multiple Exploratory Sites Reach A Reach B Reach D Reach C Reach E Reach F

Index Sites Objective is to obtain (1) Relative Abundance over a specific area and to obtain (2) density measurements over several habitat types (representative of Site) meters +/- Fixed sites over long time period 3-5 plots, fixed and mapped Each Plot = X amount of area surveyed over Y amount of time (5 – 25 meters depending on stream size) Intensive Site Objective is to measure growth, survival and habitat preference of released propagated juveniles/larvae. Site mapped 75 – 150 metes +/-. Location may vary over time. “Substantial” area surveyed. Invertebrates – detritus Area supplemented

Sampling Strategy Objective is to have a few measuring tools / protocols that can be applied widely to indicate significant changes in population numbers, length frequencies, species abundance and habitat preferences. We also will estimate habitat quantity and quality in specific reaches to estimate changes in abundance / density over several geographic scales. Three geographic scales “established” because types of information / mgt. questions unique for each scale. 10m 100m 1,000m

Key Data Collected Reach-scale (1000m) HUC 5-6 Watershed Stream Name Annual Hydrograph Annual Temps Land Use Channel Condition Channel Characteristic Sinuosity

Key Data Collected Index Site (100m) Location (RM) Lat-Lon Elevation Stream Width (BF) Gradient Depositional Feature Channel Type Riparian Veg (general) Estimated Useable Habitat (Type I-II) Seasonal Temperatures Map is created

Key Data Collected Survey Plot (10m) Plot Name Plot Size Survey time Channel Type (P:R:G:etc) Habitat Type Time of Day Turbidity DO / pH / air-water temp / flow Substrate Characteristics Structural Characteristics Aquatic Veg Characteristics Weather Sunlight Exposure Protocol used Shocker settings

Key Data Collected Biological – Juvenile (each Plot) Date – Location - Plot Species Number Lengths Weights (subsample) Condition Life State (ammo- macro) Notes: Specific habitats where fish were found – and not. Invertebrates – detritus