Becoming a Digital Nation Digital Index---Arts & Culture— E-Government initiatives
The Stratford Declaration Canada3.0 We have the opportunity to lead the world in digital media and create a national advantage by commercializing innovation To be a leader in digital media all Canadians should be connected to all Canadian content on a fair and transparent basis. All Canadians should have the opportunity to participate fully in the digital world – an increasingly mobile world. Success requires new business models that encourage national collaboration and co-operation All of this requires unprecedented collaboration between government, academia and business.
The STRATFORD INSTITUTE for digital media The STRATFORD INSTITUTE for digital media has been established through a partnership of the University of Waterloo, the City of Stratford, Open Text Corporation and the Canadian Digital Media Network. Its mandate is broad: Through collaboration across sectors to help define and advance Canada as a Digital Nation by working at the intersection of: of the arts and social sciences with technology, and business; of creativity, practicality and leadership in all spheres; of the past, the present, and visions of the future The STRATFORD INSTITUTE conducts research, and acts as a catalyst to inform and encourage discussion and supports projects to advance Canada as a Digital Nation
The STRATFORD INSTITUTE Research & Issues The Stratford Index The Stratford Report, 2012: Arts & Culture at the Digital Crossroads 3.Evaluation of provincial & territorial government web sites & services 4.Labour market information for ICT 5.Canadian Content Online
1) The STRATFORD INDEX 2012 Intent: A portrait of our collective efforts in advancing Canada as a Digital Nation. Presenting statistics compiled and published by authoritative bodies such as: The World Economic Forum The Conference Board of Canada Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Stimulate awareness of trends in Canada’s standing in the competitive global economy
1) The STRATFORD INDEX 2012 ISSUES: Authoritative & comparable statistics over time Constructing a ‘dashboard’ of key measures; lack of accepted weighting leading to subjectivity Access to government sources
2) The Stratford Report, 2012 Arts & Culture at the Digital Crossroads ISSUES & INTENT Deep concern in arts sector re ‘impact of digital’ on accepted business and rights models Lack of communication and shared experience across arts disciplines Other sectors are not understanding the importance of learning from the cultural industries Need for renewed approach to encouraging arts to support creativity. Need for professional cultural managers
3) Provincial & Territorial Government Web sites: an evaluation INTENT & ISSUES citizen-government interaction vital to a digital nation: informed and engaged citizens; convenient access to govt services. Canadians are online Federal-provincial-municipal overlapping responsibilities—confusing to citizen requiring service CIOs know what is possible with new web sites, and possibilities to engage citizens through social media Encourage serious evaluation and discussion of citizen expectations Citizen-centred services
4) Labour Market Information for ICT Study by David Ticoll published in Stratford Report, 2011, highlighted our “inefficient, opaque ICT labour market’ and argued “Canada’s ICT labour market is broken”. He noted that critical information essential to making informed decisions is lacking, resulting in: young people do not know of the dynamic, rapidly changing career possibilities-intrinsic to all fields No accepted ICT career taxonomy Only 14 core ‘national occupational classification codes’ are tracked….need for 150 or more No solid information for planning labour market
5) CANADIAN CONTENT ONLINE STRATFORD REPORT 2011 presented an informed study showing that of Canada’s print heritage, about 13% is currently available online; and less than 1% of our AV heritage. Canadians are seeking authoritative information about our national experience. Work with
5) CANADIAN CONTENT ONLINE House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage. Feb 2011 Recommendation 1 The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada support efforts by federal institutions to digitize Canada's documentary heritage and make it available to Canadians. Recommendation 2 The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada develop a government-wide digital preservation policy. Recommendation 3 The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada assist in developing a Canadian network of trusted digital repositories. Recommendation 4 The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada examine ways of supporting libraries in their efforts to digitize everything that is free of copyright.NO ACTION KNOWN
The Stratford Institute for digital media THANK YOU Ian E. Wilson Executive Director