the draft curriculum
The Australian Curriculum for Years 11 and 12 will include history courses in: Ancient history and Modern history
Ancient History 2 Unit Modern History 2 Unit Australian Curriculum: Ancient History Australian Curriculum: Ancient History Australian Curriculum: Modern History Australian Curriculum: Modern History Courses compared to existing NSW courses Extension History
There are two content strands that form the basis of the curriculum: Historical knowledge and understanding Historical skills
Each course contains units of hours duration with 4 units studied over a 2 year period. Units 1 and 2 are designed to follow on from learning in Years Units 3 and 4 are designed to be more challenging and assume prior knowledge of learning contained in Units 1 and 2. Achievement standards for each course will be developed for consultation in 2011.
1. Investigating Ancient History 2a. Representing and Interpreting the Ancient Past OR 2b. Ancient Lives 3. Ancient People, Power and Politics 4. Ancient Societies, Sites and Sources
Examines the methodology used by historians and archaeologists to reconstruct the ancient past (from prehistory to 500CE) Students investigate at least one written and one archaeological source
Critically analyses representations and interpretations of the ancient past though film, literature, art, virtual reality and websites Students investigate controversial historical and archaeological issues using a range of ancient and modern sources OR
A source based comparative study of two ancient societies to develop understanding of life in ancient times Students choose two societies from Egypt, Near East, Asia, Greece or Rome Students investigate change and continuity within societies and examine and analyse relevant interpretations focussing on one key theme
Students investigate events and developments within an historical period. Students study one historical period and one significant individual who may or may not be related to that period.
Students investigate an ancient society and an ancient site or written source. Students investigate key features of one ancient society Students investigate one ancient site or one ancient source.
1. Investigating Modern History 2a. The nation- state and national identity OR 2b. Recognition and equality 3a. International conflicts OR 3b. Revolutions 4. Asia and Australia
Examines the causes and consequences of key events, people and ideas that shape the modern era. The unit is predominantly 20 th century and may include significant content from the19 th century. It involves the study of significant economic, political, social and cultural movements Students undertake two case studies including World War I
Students study key events in the first half of the 20 th Century Students study one nation state and an individual who had an impact on that nation state in the time studied OR
Students study the struggle of oppressed and disadvantaged peoples. Students study one struggle for recognition and equality
Students study the nature of conflict, the historical causes and consequences of conflict and attempts to build lasting peace and security Students study one international tension/conflict OR
Students study the causes and consequences of revolutionary change in the modern period. Students study one revolution
Students study: the historical significance of World War II in the Asia Pacific for Australia and Asian nations development since World War II and the increasing development of Asia in the post- war period and its implications for Australia the war in South-East Asia and one Asian nation
Does the K-10 curriculum prepare students for these courses? Do the courses cater for the range of students? Are the units broad and deep enough to engage and challenge our students? Is their evidence of adequate quality and rigour in the curriculum? Does the content provide a logical progression from the K-10 curriculum? Can the content be covered by the structure and the time frame? Does the content of these courses identify the learning we value?
Online forum for government schools ◦ You can register for the forum at /register.htm and provide comments on f the draft Ancient History or Modern History courses. /register.htm ◦ If you have any problems with registering please contact Chris Dorbis via or telephone Chris Dorbis
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