The Jaguar Nation Welcomes You 107/207
WRITE THIS DOWN… Website URL: My My Conference Period: 10:10-10:55
Materials sheet protectors Index cards Markers/Color pencils (may be used in your other classes) 3 ring binder (1 inch) Dividers (2 sets) Pens and pencils (one for every day) Composition notebooks (2) Flashdrive (can be used in your other classes) Thesaurus (Please label with your name inside) 107/207
Classroom Principles Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Honest **Failure to adhere to the above principles in our classroom may result in the following: A warning A short conference with teacher & a parent phone call Parent phone call and detention Discipline Referral Cheating and intentional plagiarism will result in a grade of “0” 107/207
Jaguar Expectations Use transition times for bathroom breaks, drinking breaks, etc. Enter the class in “Jag Mode” Be seated and ready to begin class on time Bring agenda and all necessary materials to class each day Stay on task Treat everyone with courtesy and respect-no profanity Keep all school property neat and clean (no food, drinks, or gum in class) Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated Be part of making this class a positive learning environment 107/207
What is “JAG MODE”? During Jag Mode there is complete silence. Come into the classroom quietly. Any questions may be placed on a Post-It. Begin working on the day’s warm-up activity. At the end of Jag Mode, questions will be addressed. 107/207
Grading and Assignments Grading Scale % = A 80-89% = B 75-79% = C 70-74% = D 69%-Below = F Assignment Types Quizzes -10% Agenda-10% Tests-20% Projects-30% Daily Assignments-30% 107/207
Assignment Guidelines All homework is due the next day at the beginning of the class period or assigned due date, unless otherwise stated. Points will be deducted for any assignment that is turned in late Missing assignment sheets must be turned in for any assignment not turned in on time. With the third Missing Assignment Sheet, I will request a parent conference or make a home visit. On daily assignments, any grade below a 70 can be redone in tutoring (different assignment, same concepts) for a higher grade, not to exceed an 80. Because ample notice is given for projects, late projects will not be accepted. (Extenuating circumstances will be reviewed on an individual basis.) 107/207
Mandatory Tutoring A student will be required to attend mandatory tutoring: If student is failing If student is below the grade of 75 If student is assigned to tutoring after a parent conference **Any student may request and attend tutoring if he/she feels it would be beneficial. 107/207
My Pledge to You I will give you my best efforts at ALL times I will respect your time and your efforts I will diligently work with you to meet your academic goals I will always keep you informed of where you stand academically I will provide tutoring and extra assistance to any student who asks for it or shows a need for it. 107/207
Remember… You are responsible for your learning If you need help, ask for it Do not allow others to distract you Do your best work the FIRST time Begin projects right away Every day is a new day; every grade will NOT become a new grade Do not procrastinate; stay ahead of the game DON’T BE LIKE CALVIN!!! 107/207