MRVTAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO Hallinto 1 Marjo Rita Valtonen University of Tampere IASSIST/IFDO 2009 / B3 Tampere May From Life Cycle to Continuum assuring research use of records and archives
MRVTAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO Hallinto 2. digitality of records and archives –enables nonstop access –questions custodial structures –requests proactive and continuum approach
MRVTAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO Hallinto 3 c ontent nature of records records as primary sources frameworks of continuum proactive approach –AMS summary
MRVTAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO Hallinto 4 motivation –recordkeeping fundamentals: to support civil rights to control public authorities to implement transparency in decision-making –the reletionships between research needs and appraisal criteria in selection of archival records –Archival Science (2007) 7, Archiving research data
MRVTAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO Hallinto 5 nature of records authentic evidences of –business processes –legal rights and responsibilities –organisational activities & social realities selected building blocks of –organisational & social memory –cultural heritage contradictions
MRVTAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO Hallinto 6 life cycle(s) - continuum creation capture maintain/use appraisal/selection preservation/destruction (re)use conception/appraisal creation capture maintain/use appraisal/selection preservation/destruction (re)use
MRVTAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO Hallinto 7 records as primary sources user perspective –unique & versatile sources –laborous and time-consuming to use theoretical perspective –selection of ’the right’ records for future researh use recordkeeping perspective –creation of continuous usability
MRVTAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO Hallinto 8 research sites National Archives - only 10-20% of all - selected material - over 30 years old + on-line finding aids + digitalisation of collections originating agencies + 100% of records + main part is public -limitations in use -legal, privacy, technical use of representative systems needs ’archival intelligence’ (Yakel et Torres 2003)
MRVTAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO Hallinto 9 frameworks of continuum –holistic multidisciplinary knowledge –standardised recordkeeping and best practices (ISO RM Standard & 2) –administrative and standard requirements for technical solutions (for instance MoReq specifications) cleaver metadata –building a complete archival repository (OAIS)
MRVTAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO Hallinto 10 proactive approach information and recordkeeping policy appraisal and preservation principles (100% -15% - 1%) metadata specifications –description principles and practices –clever metadata - ”create once, use many times” creation & sharing metadata between business systems, recordkeeping systems and archival systems interoperability metadata broker
MRVTAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO Hallinto 11 Evans et al 2005
MRVTAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO Hallinto 12 AMS a Finnish proactive rekordkeeping plan –required by Archives Act –guides the continuum life cycle of records –is based on analyses on functional processes –gives retention schedules for records
MRVTAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO Hallinto 13 summary IT - description practises Web 2.0, Office 2.0 –tagging / folksonomy vs metadata / taxonomy –appraisal – ranking contents –content creator – access restrictions …”towards decentralised curation, radical user orientation, and broader contextualisation…” (Huvila 2008)
MRVTAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO Hallinto 14 references Adams O’Neill, M. (2007)m Analyzing archives and finding facts: use and users of digital data records, Archival Science (2007), 7: Bailey, S. (2008), Managing the Crowd, rethinking records management for the web 2.0. world Corti, L. (2007), Re-using archived qualitative data – where, how, why? Archival Science (2007), 7: Evans, J., McKemmish, S. & Bhoday, K. (2005), Create Once, Use many Times: The Clever Use of Recordkeeping Metadata for Multiple Archival Purposes, Archival Science, vol 5, nr 1, Huvila, I.(2008), Participatory archive: towards decentralised curation, radical user orientation, and broader contextualisation of records management, Archival Science (2008) 8: McKemmish, S.,Piggot, M., Reed B. & Upward, F. (2005), Archives: Recordkeeping in Society. Sunqvist, A. (2009), Search Processes, User Behaviour and Archival Representational Systems,Mid Sweden University: Sundsvall. Upward, F. (2005), The records continuum, in Archives: Recordkeeping in society, eds McKemmish, Piggot, Reed & Upward Yakel, E. & Torres, D. A. (2003), AI: Archival Intelligence and User Expertise, American Archivist, Vol 66, Nr 1, Spring/Summer
MRVTAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO Hallinto 15 thank you / kiitos!