I’m Henry VIII I Am.
Early Life Born on June 28, 1491 Second son of Henry VII His brother Arthur would be King Arthur gets married to Catherine of Aragon, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella Arthur dies within a few months Henry now heir to the throne. Catherine swears the marriage had never been consummated Pope Julius II issued an annulment. Catherine now marries Henry VII
Henry VII Dies Henry VII dies of TB in Henry is now the King of England at the age of 17 Henry was good looking and athletic The ladies loved him
The Spanish Cow Henry and Catherine are happily married for over 20 years Pregnant many times, but only one child survives, Mary Problem- no woman has ever held the throne of England
Marital Problems Henry starts to believe that Catherine will have no more kids His family will lose the throne He asks Pope Clement the VII to annul, or set aside, the marriage Pope doesn’t want to make Catherine’s cousin, Charles VII mad He stalls on the decision Parliament ends the power of the Catholic Church in England
Church Problems Henry marries his mistress Anne Boleyn Parliament passes the act of Supremacy- making the English Monarch, not the pope, the head of the Church of England. Henry then confiscates Church wealth and land Act of Succession- Annulled marriage to Catherine and made marriage to Anne Boleyn legal. Elizabeth, his daughter with Anne is legitimate and Mary is now a bastard Henry excommunicated from the Catholic Church
Anne Boleyn Maid of honor to Catherine of Aragon Rejected Henry’s advances Marries Henry in 1533 Has a daughter, Elizabeth, later that year She cannot have a son. Charged with treason and adultery. Beheaded on May 19, 1536
Jane Seymour Maid of Honor to Catherine and Anne Boleyn She rejected Henry’s advances October 1537, gives birth to Prince Edward She dies 12 days later from complications Henry is sad, but not too sad Starts to look for a new wife
Anne of Cleves Henry liked her portrait She thought he was fat and ugly and ignored him He then didn’t like her. Couldn’t get out of marriage Married on January 6, 1540 She realized her life was in danger She agreed to an annulment Outlived Henry
Catherine Howard The “rose without a thorn.” She had a history of affairs Continued her affairs after she became Queen Dec her lovers are executed She was beheaded in February of 1542
Catherine Parr Last of Henry’s wives More of a nurse than a wife. Helped him reconcile with his other kids Henry amends Act of Succession Edward Edward’s children Children of Henry and Catherine Parr Mary Elizabeth
Henry Dies Henry dies on January 28, 1547 Catherine Parr dies within a year Edward is now Edward V, King of England
Edward VI Becomes King at the age of 9 Dies from TB or poisoning at the age of 15 in 1553 His Cousin Lady Jane Grey is given the throne, but people rebel Mary is now the Queen
Mary I Daughter of Henry and Catherine of Aragon Comes to power after her ½ brother dies Wants to make England Catholic again Known as Bloody Mary Dies in 1558 from Ovarian Cancer Her ½ sister Elizabeth is next
Elizabeth I Never got married Know as the Virgin Queen or Good Queen Bess Reigned for 45 years Helps calm England after religious turmoil Huge patron of the arts Succeeded by her cousin James I