I’m singing for my Lord, Everywhere I go Singing of His wondrous love That the world may know How He saved a wretch like me By His death on Calvary.


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Presentation transcript:

I’m singing for my Lord, Everywhere I go Singing of His wondrous love That the world may know How He saved a wretch like me By His death on Calvary I’m singing for my Lord, Everywhere I go

I’m singing but sometimes Heavy is the road For this world is not a friend, To the grace of God Yet I sing the whole day long For He fills my heart with song I’m singing for my Lord, Everywhere I go

I’m singing for the lost Just because I know Jesus Christ whose precious blood Washes white as snow If my song to Him can bring Some souls I’ll gladly sing I’m singing for my Lord Everywhere I go

I’m singing for the saints As they journey home Soon they’ll reach that happy land Where they’ll never roam And with me they’ll join and sing Praises to our Lord and King I’m singing for my Lord Everywhere I go