“I’m Sorry!” Cool Tool October 12, 2010
“I’m Sorry!” What are other ways to say...
“Oops, sorry.”
“I apologize.”
“My bad!”
“I didn’t mean to.”
Can you think of any more?
“I’m Sorry!” Now, what does it mean to say,
“I’m Sorry!” When someone hurts you or wrongs you and then they say, what do you expect from them? (share out in homeroom)
Act I - scene 1
“I’m Sorry!” When you hurt someone or wrong someone, and then you say, what do mean by that? (share out in homeroom)
Act I - scene 2
Person APerson B “Ouch?”“Sorry!” What’s wrong with this? Person APerson B “Ouch?”“Sorry!” What’s wrong with this?
Act 2 - scene 1
Can Person A trust Person B not to hurt them any more?
What does apologizing, but not changing or fixing behavior do to trust?
What if you said, “I’m sorry for hurting your feelings. I didn’t mean it and I won’t do it again,”... and you don’t. What if you said, “I’m sorry for hurting your feelings. I didn’t mean it and I won’t do it again,”... and you don’t.
What if you said, “My bad. Won’t make that mistake again!” and you don’t repeat the same mistake... What if you said, “My bad. Won’t make that mistake again!” and you don’t repeat the same mistake...
Act 2 - scene 2
Say it and mean it! “I’m Sorry!” “My bad!” “I apologize.” “I didn’t mean to.”....or don’t say it at all!