Por vs. Para
¿Cuándo se usa para? Purpose (literally translated to in order to ) Purpose (literally translated to in order to ) Use Use Destination Destination Future time (i.e. for tomorrow, for today ) Future time (i.e. for tomorrow, for today ) Considering the fact of (literally translated to in spite of ) Considering the fact of (literally translated to in spite of )
Para: Purpose Estudiamos para sacar buenas notas. We study in order to receive good grades.
Para: Use Es una bolsa para las compras. It is a bag for the shopping items.
Para: Destination Los chicos salen para México. The boys leave for Mexico.
Para: Future time Necesito el examen para mañana a las cinco. I need the test for tomorrow at five.
Para: Considering the fact of Para un niño, es muy inteligente. For a little boy, he is very intelligent.
¿Cuándo se usa por? In exchange for In exchange for For a period of time For a period of time For the sake of For the sake of Use after the verb ir, enviar, luchar Use after the verb ir, enviar, luchar By or through By or through
Por: In exchange for Ella pagó diez dólares por la camisa. She paid ten dollars for the shirt.
Por: Period of time Trabajamos por doce horas anoche. We worked for twelve hours last night.
Por: For the sake of Hago mi cama por mi madre. I make my bed for my mom.
Por: After ir, enviar, luchar Voy al mercado por el pan. I am going to the market for bread. Mi padre envía por el médico. My dad sends for the doctor. Los soldados luchan por la independencia. The soldiers fight for independence.
Por: By or through Ella fue enviado a la oficina por el profesor. She was sent to the office by the teacher. Viajamos por carro. We traveled by car. Yo entro por la puerta. I enter through the door.