By F… M…
Being a Controller People perceive me as bossy, direct, assertive, aggressive, demanding, etc I like challenges, authority, options, power, and independence I work best when I am the boss and everything is in order I am honest and pushy.
I Can’t Only Be a Controller Can I? No of course not, although my strongest points were in controller I am also an organizer. No of course not, although my strongest points were in controller I am also an organizer. This is a strong combination, in my opinion. traits that will get the job done! A quote that I enjoy is “Everything has a place, and everything in its place”
What Organizer Too? Being a controller/organizer I tend to… Do activities on my own so others wont mess the project up. Loose patience with those who act too slow, for my liking or don’t understand the obvious. Let people know who is at fault, especially when the fault is mine. Be too honest with my remarks/opinions, which can get me in trouble sometimes.
Student could have added more pictures to explain the traits Explain why Pictures shown on next slide, but little reference to why selected.
Pictures That Show Me in My Role!
Combine These Traits and That Is Definitely Me! I don’t really like to let people help me, in other words I enjoy independence. The truth is important to me, I don’t care who is right or wrong just that it is the truth. Being this combination I tend to have high expectations but don’t know how to express what I want from others. I am a team person but can’t stand being second to anyone. I enjoy being the boss or director.
References Personality style. (n.d.) Retrieved September 8, 2005 from 20tendencies/personalitytendencies.ppt 20tendencies/personalitytendencies.ppt 20tendencies/personalitytendencies.ppt “As I see myself” The Effectiveness Institute Inc. ( ) Behavioral Styles. (n.d.) Retrieved September 8, 2005 from html html html