I may never march in the infantry Ride in the cavalry, shoot the artillery I may never spy on the enemy But I'm in the Lord's army. I'm in the Lord's army, Yes sir! In that end time, we'll have the victory Stand on that fiery sea, eat from the living tree But over sin, we must get the victory I'm in the Lord's army. I'm in the Lord's army, Yes sir!
In-the-midst-of-heaven three angels flying rapidly Pointing all to Calvary, gathering the precious wheat Tares no more, while we shall live eternally I'm in the Lord's army. I'm in the Lord's army, Yes sir! Flesh and blood, we wrestle not that enemy In Christ we have the victory, enlist my in thine infantry Shall we sleep while foes take the battlefield? I'm in the Lord's army. I'm in the Lord's army, Yes sir!
Glory shall light the earth from shining sea to sea Finishing the mystery, Holy Spirit sealing me Christ descending shall blow the final trump for me I'm in the Lord's army. I'm in the Lord's army, Yes sir! Christ descending shall blow the final trump for me I'm in the Lord's army. Yes sir!