Survive – working to support recovery from domestic violence and abuse “Without Survive I’d probably be dead” “This is the happiest I’ve ever been!”
1974 first refuge opens in South Glos! 1971 the first women’s refuge in the UK opens in Chiswick. 3 years later Kingswood Women’s Aid opens it’s first refuge.
Kingswood Women’s Aid Our first refuge was staffed entirely by volunteers! 1970’s saw the growth of the Women’s Movement Early 80s We opened our first ‘formal’ refuge and developed our first paid worker positions.
Survive! 25 staff 10 board members and many volunteers Services to men and women Group and 1:1 work Vital partnership work with the police, health, social services and many more... (you tell them who they are)
Service Demand Over 600 women and children. Increase of 15% of women and children referred to Survive Maintain Develop Prevention
Refuges and work with children and young people 3 refuges housing 16 families. Family support in refuge and though structured play and parenting support. Specialist work with children and young people including 2 group work programmes for 7-11 and 11-17 year olds. New preventative work in schools.
For women and men at high risk 3 trained Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (IDVAs) Representation at Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences Advocacy in court and information about legal rights A new post based in Frenchay A & E
Outreach support and group work 4 outreach information sessions Group work programmes for women in three areas A pilot group work programme for younger women aged 16-24. Back on Track for 7-11 and 11-17 year olds New preventative work with schools Service user advisory group
The difference we make The course made me realise that, deep inside, I’m not an angry or violent person: I’m just a kid who has been through a horrible time, and been the victim of a bad man who hurt me, just as he hurt my mum. The course made me realise that I could come through it, that I didn’t have to end up becoming an angry, violent man…The thing I most hope is that one day I’ll be a good dad, because I know I’ve got it in me…I’m determined that my future won’t be scarred by my past.” Young man on our Back on Track programme “I’m free now I feel free” “Thank you for making me a strong, independent woman”
The difference we make Without a doubt you have not only helped me to change mine and my children's life but have saved our lives. If I hadn't of had the support from you I would of gone back to him and I am certain he would have raped and killed me and the children would have suffered. We walk into court I’m shaking like a leaf. We walked out of the court in total shock. I was free for the 1st time in almost 3 and half years. She held my arm and said I should be so proud for what I had achieved. Bless her she even took me to the bus station to ensure I was safe so he couldn’t follow me. Without Survive I could not have done this: locks changed, window handles changed personal alarm............everything so I can move on and be safe with my boys 15 and 13.
Contact details Contact details: Ruth Wood - 07808648056 Survive offices: 0117 9613065 Survive duty line: 0117 9612999 face book twitter