Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Lecture 2 System Identification ISE102 Spring 2007
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Topics System Identification Process System Identification Exercise System Design Discussion –Waterfall –Spiral development Costing
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Steps and Phases Formulation Analysis Interpretation
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering What is a System? Group of Components that work together for a purpose –Service –Product –Process Attributes: discernable manifestations of the components Relationships are links between Components & Attributes
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering System Life-Cycle One-Phase Formulation Analysis Interpretation System Definition Formulation Analysis Interpretation System Development Formulation Analysis Interpretation System Deployment
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering What is a System Life Cycle System Planning and Marketing Research Development Testing and Evaluation System Acquisition & Deployment & Production
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Formulati on Analysis Interpretation System Definition Formulati on Analysis Interpretation System Development Formulati on Analysis Interpretation System Deployment Formulati on Analysis Interpretation System Definition Formulati on Analysis Interpretation System Development Formulati on Analysis Interpretation System Deployment Formulati on Analysis Interpretation System Definition Formulati on Analysis Interpretation System Development Formulati on Analysis Interpretation System Deployment Planning & Marketing RDT&E Acquisition & Production
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering The Many Systems Frameworks Logically: 3 steps –Define –Develop –Deploy Temporally: 3 Life-cycle Process –Planning & Marketing –Research, Development, Test & Evaluation –Acquisition & Production Life Cycle Perspectives: 3 Stages –Formulation of the Problem –Analysis of the Alternatives to its Solution –Interpretation of the Analyses and Selection of the Alternative(s)
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Preliminary Design System Functional Analysis –Functions Identified Operational Maintenance Disposal/Retirement Synthesis & Allocation Allocation of performance factors, design, effectiveness requirements Allocation of Support requirements
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering System Optimization –Systems, subsystem tradeoffs and evaluation of alternatives –System & Subsystem Analysis System Synthesis & Definition –Prelim Design Performance Configuration –Models, brass board, prototype development and testing Preliminary Design
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Detailed Design Product Design –Prime components designed (Hdwr/Sfwr) –Maintenance & Logistical Support –Data Documentation –System Analysis and evaluation (including training footprint) –Design Review System Prototype Development System prototype Test & Evaluation –Design tests and test sequences –Identify data requirements –Identify analytic requirements
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Waterfall Process for System D&D
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Software Development Responsibilities
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering V V User Requirements & System Specification Operation & Maintenance & Retrofit Detailed System Design Customer Perspective– Purposeful Enterprise Architecture Preliminary Conceptual Design Integrate & Test Functional Architecture Perspective Verification & Test Modules System Production System Developer Perspective System Production Perspective
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Concurrent Engineering Simultaneous consideration of all elements/components in a system across the product lifecycle
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Market Share Loss Defect Losses Test Time Real Val= (gain* pr) -(loss*pr) Sum
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Spiral Hypothesis Testing
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Course Project Formulation of the System –Needs to be fulfilled –Requirements & Objectives –Constraints and Degrees of Freedom –Alternatives to above System Definition & Identification Process –What is your system? –What is its purpose? –What are its Components (structural operating & flow), Attributes and Relationships? –What are the attributes that define its state?
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Preliminary Design System Functional Analysis –Functions Identified Operational Maintenance Disposal/Retirement Synthesis & Allocation Allocation of performance factors, design, effectiveness requirements Allocation of Support requirements
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Process of Problem Identification & Definition Identify Source Documents: –What is said about the problem, product, system Identify Originating Requirements from Source Documentation –What originating requirements –What Functional requirements
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Ways to avoid being Wrong Scope & Bound the Problem –Identify the Needs, Objectives, and criteria Scope –Identify the Parameters, Variables, and Constraints Bound
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Nomenclature Parameters: the factors that define alternatives & determine its behavior i.e. the things that can be altered Variables are the things that change once the parameter change is in place –State variables that can be measured to define system state
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering System Definition Matrix NeedsObjtCriteriaParamsVarConstrnt ScopeBound
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Input/Output Matrix Inputs Outputs Intended Unintnd Intended ReqDef Design Production
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Exercise for Identification
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Steps/Perspectives for System Engineering (Formulation) Formulation of the System –Needs to be fulfilled –Requirements & Objectives –Constraints and Degrees of Freedom –Alternatives to above Value System Design –Identification of the objectives and goals that guide alternative selection –Definition of multi-dimensional attributes or decision criteria –Identification and validation of objective measures System Synthesis –Generation of alternative course of action and associated measures of effectiveness
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Action Reference Framework To (do something) to (something) somehow Action, object, modifier –Used to describe a process Functional Decomposition is to develop a description of what the system must do – not necessarily tied to how the system must do it.
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Functional Flow Block Diagram Action/Task Boolean Operator Action/Task
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Hierarchic Structure for Decomposition Sub Functions operate on input/output consistent with the higher levels of the hierarchy Models the flow of data or objects in a system
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Major Functional Techniques Structural Analysis Decision Technique (SADT) Integrated Definition Language (IDEF) –IDEF 0 functional decomposition –IDEF 1 informational decomposition Data Flow Diagrams/Control Diagrams
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering ICOM Activity Mechanism Inputs Control Outputs
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Method of Analysis Shows roles of information and materials with respect to activity Each ICOM represents an activity or business step that can be broken down Inputs: information/material used to produce activity output Controls: Constraints on an activity Mechanisms: That perform processing or provide energy to the activity (people or machines as mechanisms) Output: The product of the activity
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Context Diagram Activity Mechanism Inputs Control Outputs A0 : Purpose : Viewpoint
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Steps in Functional Decomposition 1.Develop Context Diagram of Full System 2.Decompose System to Sub-elements (ICOMS fro all) 3.Define Business Rule/Model 1.AS-Is the descriptive scenario 2.To-Be the future business or process model 4.Analysis of activities, gather costs, trace costs to activities, establish output measures, analyze costs
Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Steps/Perspectives for System Engineering Analysis System Analysis & Modeling –Identification of the impacts and consequences of alternative approaches to system solution –Identification of the quality, market, reliability, cost, effectiveness, benefits, longevity, aesthetics… of alternative system solutions Iterative Refinement of Alternatives –Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter Identification