Sunset Date Extension: Manufactured Homes HVAC Measures Regional Technical Forum November 18 th, 2014
Measure Specifications HVAC upgrade from federal standard (7.7 HSPF): – SEER 13/ 8.2 HSPF – SEER 14/ 8.5 HSPF – SEER 14/ 9 HSPF HVAC Conversion from FAF (with and w/o CAC) – SEER 13/ 7.7 HSPF 2
Sunset Date Extension Required In the August ’14 meeting, RTF directed staff to develop envelope based measure identifiers for HVAC upgrade and conversion measures. – Res SF HVAC and Weatherization update presentation. CAT is currently working to develop these measure identifiers – Once measure identifiers are developed, staff will work on developing savings estimate for MH HVAC measures. 3
RTF Decision Slide “ I, _____ move that the RTF extend the sunset date for MH HVAC upgrade and conversion measures to December 2014” 4
Applying SEEM Updates, Calibration, and Measure Interaction Decisions to: Manufactured Homes Weatherization UES Measures Regional Technical Forum November 18 th, 2014
Background Existing MH heating energy calibration (Phase 1 & 2), and cooling calibration approved by the RTF at the August ’14 meeting. At the same meeting, RTF also approved a savings calculation methodology that addresses measure interactions (Option 3). – Applied to SF weatherization measures. This presentation highlights additional guidance required from the RTF to develop this measure. 6
MeasureMeasure Specifications Starting PointEnding Point Floor: R0-R22< R-7R-22 Floor: R11-R22≥ R-7, ≤ R-11R-22 Attic: R0-R30 ≤ R-11R-30 Attic: R19-R30> R-11, ≤ R-19R-30 Window: Single-u30Single Pane ≤ u-30 Window: Double-u30Double Pane Metal Frame ≤ u-30 Window: u35-u30Std. Practice ≤ u-30 Window: Single-u22Single Pane ≤ u-22 Window: Double-u22Double Pane Metal Frame ≤ u-22 Window: u35-u22Std. Practice ≤ u-22 Infiltration Reduction*Pre-blower doorPost-blower door Measure Overview - 7
Update on Measure Specification Staff proposes discontinuing two measures. Is the RTF in agreement? Attic R0-R19 – Attic R0-R30 measure already in the books. Floor R0-R11 – Floor R0-R22 measure already in the books. For both measures, proposed assumption is that once contractor is on site, contractor will insulate to R30 or physical limit. 8
Proposed Methodology Overview Follow a similar methodology as the SF weatherization measure analysis: – RBSA informs measure interaction – Define a full measure package to conduct RTF measure interaction guidance compliant energy savings analysis. – Apply RTF approved Phase 1 & 2 calibration – Apply RTF approved savings calculation methodology for measures with significant measure interaction (Option 3) 9
Measure Interaction Scenarios Proposal: Simulate RBSA MH homes “as-is” instead of developing characteristic scenarios. – SF analysis used characteristic scenarios. – Proposed MH analysis eliminates possible lost accuracy from binning home properties and averaging. i.e. is better representation of average regional UA value. Need RTF approval on assumptions to overcome limited MH RBSA dataset (next slide) 10
MH RBSA Sample – Zonal Homes Small number of zonal homes in the RBSA dataset. – 5 zonal homes in RBSA eligible for measures. – Propose using FAF home properties to develop zonal home savings estimate. RBSA representative of NW home population. As number of zonal homes is small, FAF homes may provide a good proxy. Is the RTF in agreement with this proposal? 11
Weatherization Cost Data Propose using cost data from SIW. SIW does not have MH specific data. Staff proposes: – SF data for insulation upgrades – MF data for window upgrades – This is consistent with current measure. Current measure uses insulation cost on a per-delta R value basis. – The proposed update will apply the fixed and incremental cost of retrofitting insulation. Does more appropriate cost data for MH weatherization exist? 12