Introduction of Practical OSCE at R.V.C. Stan Head Royal Veterinary College. London. UK.
Introduction of Practical OSCE at R.V.C. Introduction-Background Timing Station examples Level setting (Pass/fail)
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Introduction of Practical OSCE at R.V.C. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination (OSPVE) Royal Veterinary College.
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Royal College Of Veterinary Surgeons (UK) ‘Day One’ skills (& 'Year One') Ø History taking and "people skills" Ø Clinical Examination Ø Knowledge of when to seek 2nd opinion Ø Vaccination Ø Intramuscular, intravenous or subcutaneous injection Ø Drenches, Implants and intra-vaginal sponges Ø Collect blood sample Ø Administer effective sedation Ø Understand asepsis, prepare a surgical field, "scrub up for surgery" Ø Administer first aid Ø Support injured limb (bandage, R Jones, splint.) Ø Basic wound management Ø Basic suturing techniques Ø Basic radiology Ø Basic local anaesthesia Across all Animal species.
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination R.V.C. Veterinary Course : Duration: 5 years Year 1: Basic science + animal handling Year 2: Species science, Communication skills Year 3 Introduction to Clinical Science Years 4 & 5 Rotations: Equine ,Farm Animal, Animal Hospital, Small Animal surgery, SA medicine, Emergency medicine OSPVE OSPVE OSPVE
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Student’s Contact 5th year ¼ year = 39 students: 3 X 13 stations OSPVE - formative Final Year Rotations Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov. 2004 Laboratory and surgical based OSPVE - formative Final Year Rotations Dec, Jan, Feb 2004/05 Mainly Large Animal: cows/ horses OSPVE - Summative Final Year. March 2005 OSPVE replace Viva's 154 students. 22 stations 7 repeats (2½ days)
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Station examples (first 13) 1: Transfer to Clinical Skills Centre (2 min) 2: Communication- Spinal Tap 3: Radiology (R Lat Thoracic) (model) 4: Posting Pathology Sample 5: IV Catheterisation (model) 6: Anaesthetic Safety Check 7: Anaesthetic Circuit -Lack 8: Canine BP (model) 9: Dermatology- Microscope set up 10: Dry + Gown 11: Closed Gloving 12: Skin Suture 13 Disrobe- Transfer to Changing room (2 + min)
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination 14: Lame dog examination (Live dog) 15: Palmar Digital Nerve Block (Live Horse + Cadaver) 16: Light Bandage – Horse (Cadaver tissue) 17: Remove Horse Shoe (Cadaver tissue) 18: Changing rooms - Dress for cow/sheep 19: Communication skill- Lame Cow 20: I.M. Injection Cow (Live + Cadaver) 21: California Milk Test (Mastitis) (Live Cow + Model) 22: Sheep Foot Trim (Live) 5 minutes and 1 min 20s changeover
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Timing Screens in all rooms with sound
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Candidates given label with name/ number/ starting station number/ and then walked round the circuit
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Laboratory or examination room based.
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Preparing a patient for radiology (Hip) including up to taking the x-ray
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Gowning for closed gloving
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Station 21: IM injection Cow (outside)
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Station 21: IM injection Cow (inside boxes) Box 1 Box 2
Station 22: Hoof Trim-Sheep
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Station 1: Communication -horse history taking No Flash to avoid startling animals Temp: 6°C
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Station 1: Communication -horse history taking
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Station 1: Communication -horse history taking
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Station 1: Communication -horse history taking
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Station 10: Remove Horse Shoe Ouch !
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Re-Shoeing Spares & Tools
Setting Pass/Fail score Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Setting Pass/Fail score Linear Regression method Constant Group Size method
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Objective ‘Marks’ 1 per action= 10 – 40 in different stations Subjective Grades Grade 4 = Good Pass Grade 3 = just pass Grade 2 = just fail Grade 1 = Bad Fail
Marks 4 GP 3 jp 2 jf 1 BF pass fail 2.5 Grades Linear Regression method Linear Regression method 4 GP 3 jp 2 jf 1 BF pass fail 2.5 Grades
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Linear Regression method 46.8
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Pass FAIL 46.8%=8.5
Objective Structured PRACTICAL Veterinary Examination Linear Regression not work well with skewed marks as this station
Constant Group Size method Student’s are subjectively assessed as grades 1 to 4. The number of student’s attaining each Grade is counted. The cut; Pass/fail mark is set so that the number of students passing and the number failing is the same as that subjectively determined by the assessor. Good for stations with skewed marks
Number of students with each mark, within grades. (Idealised) Constant Group Size method The problem is where to set the ‘cut’ mark? jp Total Number of candidates in each group remains constant jf BF Marks
Number of students with each mark, within grades. (Idealised) Constant Group Size method fail pass N set by assessor Nf & Np jp Total Number of candidates in each group remains constant jf BF n=n Marks
The End. Thank You
7B 4: Introduction of Practical OSCE at R.V.C. Stan Head Royal Veterinary College. London. UK.