e- health: health information society Dr Gyula Kincses Director General MEDINFO
Dimensions of health information society e- health policy e- therapy e- health
e- health policy Revaluation of planning based on data „evidence-based Health Policy” Revaluation of efficiency Revaluation of quality issues Health care built on divided relations and becoming an increasingly complex system cannot be followed and controlled in other ways
e- therapy The impact of information society on health care providers and services main trend: communication of providers doctor-to-doctor communication, development of telemedicine development of network (VPN) development of standards technical standards (CEN, HL7, stb.) professional rules extension and globalisation of medical knowledge integration of professional knowledge and regulation IT-based education, continuing education, professional training.
e- health The impact of information society on consumers and patients The impact of information society on consumers and patients: health-conscious behaviour and thinking, restoring the value role of health promoting life-style culture self-care, self-health, promoting layman help The impact of information society on informed consumer behaviour assisting in the conscious choice of providers patient rights, dissemination of information related to the revaluation of „guarantee rules”
Sectoral informatics
Data connection model of sectoral communication annals, publications, Internet Managemen t information system MoH structure performance/ expenditure quality professional data basic data environment health care delivery system population demographic data social, economic environment environment al health data MoEP MoSFA MoF international data provision EUEU WHOWHO OECDOECD secondary data collecting centre primary data collectors NPHMOS CHCI NHIF National Health Institutes CSO See Annex for abbreviations
Data connection model of sectoral communication structure performance/ expenditure quality professional data basic data primary data collectors environment health care delivery system population demographic data secondary data collecting centre NPHMOS CHCI NHIF National Health Institutes social, economic environment MoH Management information system annals, publications, Internet environme ntal health data EUEU WHOWHO OECDOECD CSO MoH MoEP MoSFA CSO MoF MoE HST Government network See Annex for abbreviations
Reconstruction of sectoral reporting system EU WHO OECD obligation for integrated international data provision renewed national database valid reporting system revised national data collection review OSAP (Statistical Data Collection Program) „ KI- KERES” search program
The issue of social insurance card At present there is no legal pressure to introduce health insurance card every Hungarian citizen is entitled to care there is one payer EU ! Instead of the classical „data card” function, the modern approach lies in the „key card” function Card-related expenses are a fraction of the expenses that the card incurs, the real cost involves the system behind Multifunctional card is needed rather than a purely health insurance card: health insurance information health care information information of related areas (social affairs, pension, etc.)
Suggested functions of the health card - Authentication area - Area of permanent health data (EU normatives) - Transactional area (last prescriptions, referrals, etc.) - Area(s) defined by special users - Electronic purse function (e.g. drug budget of patients receiving free care) - Health funds, proprietary data of supplementary health insurance (identification, entitlement, services, etc.) - Data of special groups of diseases (patients of renal, immunological, SM diseases, etc.) - Data of special organisations and functions (e.g. donor card, area of blood donors) - Data of bonus systems
Basic tasks of the secondary data collecting centre (MEDINFO) Establishment and operation of the physical data connection among the primary data centres (National Public Health and Medical Officer Service, Centre for Healthcare Information, National Health Insurance Fund, etc.) (data-management) Operation of the clearinghouse or data warehouse function (information management) Data utilisation, presentation, research (knowledge management)
The basic principles of MEDINFO ’s information policy Sector neutrality (the provision system consists not only of providers and services financed by the National Health Insurance Fund) Multipurpose data (data must be collected in an integrated way, not according to users of data) Data should appear as the by-product of normal documentation processes (rather than as independent reports)
Goals of the knowledge centre programme Information arising in health care and determining health status should be organised into an integrated system Arrangement of data collected by data warehouses into an integrated system that can be processed and presented Creation of data connection among the major data collectors in health care Utilisation of data, securing their utility
Elements of the knowledge centre programme Design, establishment and operation of an integrated, distributed database and data utilisation system (administered mostly online) Data utilisation Establishment of a management information system, professional support for decision preparation, periodic and ad hoc analyses for the Ministry of Health and its associated institutes Providing mutual access to information by players of the health sector Securing access of relevant data to the community
Projects already launched I. Establishment of the monitoring and presentation system for the professional programmes of the Ministry of Health Data service and organisational analysis of national institutes, proposal for restructuring data service Analysis of non-financial data of the GYÓGYINFOK datasheet (Centre for Healthcare Information) Creation of a database laying the foundation for international data provision Establishment of a GIS (Geographical Information System) assisting regional formations and planning
Projects already launched II. Establishment of an institute monitoring system Foundation of the Hungarian Health Informatics Society (METE) Participation in the card project of the Ministry of Finance Cardiology telemedicine programme GIS-based rescue/control project of the National Ambulance Service
Annex Abbreviations: NPHMOS - National Public Health and Medical Officer Service CHCI - Centre for Healthcare Information NHIF - National Health Insurance Fund MoSFA - Ministry of Social and Family Affairs MoF - Ministry of Finance MoH - Ministry of Health MoEP - Ministry for Environmental Protection CSO - Central Statistical Office MoE - Ministry of Education HST- Hungarian State Treasury
Wishing you productive work….