Definition of differentiation A firm differentiates itself from its competitors if it can be unique at something that is valuable to buyers (Porter) Integrating content (what to offer), context (how to offer), and infrastructure (enabler) of our offers to customers (Hermawan)
Volvo the safest car: dengan pengalaman rancang bangun, produksi, dan R&D selama 75 tahun, Volvo hrs membuat mobil ter-aman di dunia dengan perlengkapan keamanan tercanggih di dunia, mulai dari 3 point seat belt, rear-facing cameras, volvo personal communicator (VPC), internal heartbeat sensor, collision warning sensor, etc.
Product differentiation Feature Performance Design
SERVICE DIFFERENTIATION Fast Easy Delivery Time Empathy
Channel differentiation Channel Coverage Selling Customer Service
People DIFFERENTIATION Capability Culture @ works Skill
Image differentiation Logo Brand Identity Association Character Celebrity Endorser
1. CONTENT The tangible part of differentiation, usually the main offering to customer Ayam Goreng Pemuda Google Laurier Laurier muncul wonder gel, softcare, airlayer technology
2. context How to offer our value differently from competitors? Oreo Oreo: diputar, dijilat, dicelupin (diferensiasi dari cara memakan)
David Beckham paling sering gonta-ganti rambut, Food festival in Pakuwon (family recreation while dining) David Beckham paling sering gonta-ganti rambut, Menjadi fashion icon
3. INFRASTRUKTUR HRM Blue bird berhasil bukan karena armada yg banyak, tapi juga supir yang terkenal jujur, ramah, dan santun Singapore Airline dengan Singapore Girl sebagai pramugari yang tidak hanya ramah, tapi juga memberikan memorable experience.
Happiness Service Excellence
Technology + Facilities BCA , BCA menerapkan Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication u/ mendukung transaksi international cepat dan akurat, kemudian sistem komunikasi eksklusif melalui satelit, komunikasi antar cabang dan seluruh jaringan. Gillette dengan berbagai varian mulai dari Trac II (1971) sampai Mach3Turbo (2003). Gilette
Infrastructure – Telkomsel provider Hard to imitate Fit activity system - Honda Infrastructure – Telkomsel provider Contoh hard to imitate: Honda dengan layanan sales, sparepart, servis, hingga after sales ASTRA meluncurkan astra world. Konsep yang tdk mudah karena astra world merupakan akumulasi pengalaman astra di industri otomotif serta pengetahuan mendalam terhadap pola perilaku dan selera konsumen. Telkomsel pny banyak BTS even di pedesaan Carrefour pny 2000an supplier
The requirement for differentiation
ISUZU vs TOYOTA Bring excellent value to customer Isuzu fuel efficient cost saving Auto 2000 dengan layanan one stop shopping
Communicate your differentiation Simple Meaningful Focus Simple: in a simple language Meaningful: jangan sampai terlalu simple dan miskin kata-kata tapi kehilangan makna. Pilih kata yg singkat dan bermakna Focus: jangan terlalu banyak maksa, komunikasikan satu titik perbedaan anda dan pesaing
Maintaining your differentiation
Be consistent always competitive prices
Be consistent Ritz Carlton, the finest personal service and facilities throughout the world
Pepsodent Focus to core differentiation
Evolve your differentiation Rinso as a market leader, keep innovating their product