Germany is an important country in Europe Germany has 16 states Baden-Wurtemberg Baviera Berl í n Brandeburgo Bremen Hamburgo Hesse Mecklemburgo-Pomerania Occidental Baja Sajonia Renania del Norte-Westfalia Renania-Palatinado Sarre Sajonia Sajonia-Anhalt Schleswig-Holstein Turingia
HITLER Hitler was a German dictator who killed many innocent people but eventually suicide. He was one of the perpetrators of World War II
It is the capital city of Germany. With a population of 3.4 million of inhabitants, Berlin is the most important city in germany. It is crossed by the berlin wall.
This wall separed Germany in two parts during 38 years. It divided Germany in : -The Occidental Part -The RDA´s part It was derribed in It was a very important event.
The city of Bremen is in North of Germany. It´s one of the 16 federal states that make up the Federal Republic of Germany. Bremen has habitants Bremen has an important football club, It won the champions cup in 2001, and the UEFA cup in 2007 Rathaus ( Bremen )
By: Jaime & Dani