Updates from the Turf Farm: Soil C quality and soil respiration rates Paul J. Lilly, Jennifer C. Jenkins The Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont BES Annual Meeting 16 October, 2008
The Residential Carbon Project - Soil type - Previous land use - Vegetation density - Structure density - Age of housing - Management??
What do we know about management? - Everybody mows - Mowing heights between 5 and 15cm (Residential Carbon Project sites) - Lots of people fertilize - 70% in Glyndon, 50% in Baisman Run (Law et al. 2004) - self-application ~100 kgN/ha/yr, range ~ ; lawn services ~ kgN/ha/yr (Law et al. 2004); UMD extension says kgN/ha/yr - Some people water -~60% of residential water use is outdoor (Mayer et al. 1999) -~10% of households in Law et al. survey -~55% of households in Syracuse, NY survey (Lilly unpublished) - Everything else is minor
40 ft. 5 ft. Rep 3 Rep 1 Rep 2
40 ft. 5 ft. Rep 3 Rep 1 Rep 2
40 ft. 5 ft. Rep 3 Rep 1 Rep 2
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Belowground respiration (soil only collar) aboveground respiration = respiration on (soil + veg) collar – respiration on (soil only) collar C uptake = Δ standing stock C + Δ total soil C + Clippings C + Δ Microbial biomass C + (Soil + veg) respiration + DOC export C Cycling at the Turf Farm Total soil C DOC export in soil water Aboveground (stubble/thatch) C Belowground (root) C Root turnover Clippings C Fast pool Passive pool = Total soil C – (fast pool+slow pool) Slow pool Potential C min Microbial Biomass C Standing Biomass C
- Labile C pool changes seasonally - Net gain over the last year C mineralization (OM to CO 2 )
Belowground respiration (soil only collar) aboveground respiration = respiration on (soil + veg) collar – respiration on (soil only) collar C uptake = Δ standing stock C + Δ total soil C + Clippings C + Δ Microbial biomass C + (Soil + veg) respiration + DOC export C Cycling at the Turf Farm Total soil C DOC export in soil water Aboveground (stubble/thatch) C Belowground (root) C Root turnover Clippings C Fast pool Passive pool = Total soil C – (fast pool+slow pool) Slow pool Potential C min Microbial Biomass C Standing Biomass C
Fast and slow(er) soil C
Belowground respiration (soil only collar) aboveground respiration = respiration on (soil + veg) collar – respiration on (soil only) collar C uptake = Δ standing stock C + Δ total soil C + Clippings C + Δ Microbial biomass C + (Soil + veg) respiration + DOC export C Cycling at the Turf Farm Total soil C DOC export in soil water Aboveground (stubble/thatch) C Belowground (root) C Root turnover Clippings C Fast pool Passive pool = Total soil C – (fast pool+slow pool) Slow pool Potential C min Microbial Biomass C Standing Biomass C
Clippings Production -Mowing matters!
Belowground respiration (soil only collar) aboveground respiration = respiration on (soil + veg) collar – respiration on (soil only) collar C uptake = Δ standing stock C + Δ total soil C + Clippings C + Δ Microbial biomass C + (Soil + veg) respiration + DOC export C Cycling at the Turf Farm Total soil C DOC export in soil water Aboveground (stubble/thatch) C Belowground (root) C Root turnover Clippings C Fast pool Passive pool = Total soil C – (fast pool+slow pool) Slow pool Potential C min Microbial Biomass C Standing Biomass C
Soil (and plant) respiration Oct ‘07 Sept ‘08
To sum up: - For clippings, mowing matters most, then fertilizing; watering doesn’t. -Labile C pool indicator changes (a lot) seasonally; not related to treatments; some indication pool might be increasing under most treatments - Microbial biomass doesn’t change seasonally; no obvious treatment effects -Control of respiration is dominated by watering; in a wet year like this year, treatment differences are swamped - Some indication soil C quality (lability) may be changing
Acknowledgements -Jen Jenkins, Peter Groffman -Mark Carroll, Dave, Matt, Joe -Gio McClenachan -Dan Dillon -Lisa Martel and David Lewis -NSF -UMBC and CUERE