Jet/Met meeting 11/21/2002 Jet studies 2. Fake jets in p and p Effect of coarse hadronic layers and negative cells on jets 1. Jet chunk certification in p Emmanuel Busato
JetChunk certification in p Comparison between JetChunk in p TMB and jet branches in p root-tuple (created from DSTs) (algo=JCCB)
n90 Root-tuple TMBTMB- root tuple
E Root-tuple TMBTMB- root tuple
Pt Root-tuple TMBTMB- root tuple
EMF Root-tuple TMBTMB-root tuple
Phi Root-tuple TMBTMB-root tuple
Eta Root-tuple TMBTMB-root tuple
JetChunk certification summary - For floats, difference TMB root- tuple 10**- 3 - An exception is variable EMF where difference is 5.10**- 3 - Problem with n90 ?
Fake jets in p and p Lot of fake jets in p => new quality cut : f90<- 0.5CHF What is the situation in p (where ZS : 2.5 ? - Criterion : f90 if high =>fake jet if low => good jet
in p data CHF Cone R=0.7 Cone R=0.5 N1 good jets N2 fake jets N2/N1 33 N2/N1 60 N1 N2
in p data N2/N1 16 Cone R=0.5 Cone R=0.7 N2/N1 30 N2 N1
The number of fake jets is reduced by a factor of 2 in p , where we have 2.5 of zero suppression (instead of 2.1 in p ) Fake jets in p and p summary
Current status of the algorithms : Jets are constructed with a list of positive energy towers. These towers are made of positive and negative energy cells. What happens if we remove corresponding layers (15, 16, 17) ? (input of the algorithm : calorimeter towers without CH layers) Not consistent with Met calculation, which is done with towers > 200MeV or cells > 100MeV Coarse Hadronic may be responsible for fake jets What happens if we keep only positive cells in jets ? Effect of coarse hadronic layers and negative cells on jets
Cone R=0.5 N2/N1 7.5 N2/N1 16 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2/N1 7.5 Current algo Without CH layers and neg cells Without CH layers Cone R=0.7 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2 N1 N2/N1 14 N2/N1 30 N2/N1 14 Current algo Without CH layers and neg cells Without CH layers
Summary => reconstruction without CH layers reduces the number of fake jets by a factor of 2