I3/CA Europlanet - EC Contract 001637 - EUROPLANET Activity N3: Coordination of Earth-based and Space Observations EXPECTED.


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Presentation transcript:

I3/CA Europlanet - EC Contract EUROPLANET Activity N3: Coordination of Earth-based and Space Observations EXPECTED SUPPORT FROM EUROPLANET TO THE CoRoT MISSION H. Lammer, H. O. Rucker, M. Khodachenko Austrian Academy of Sciences, Space Research Institute, Schmiedlstr. 6, A-8042 Graz, Austria

I3/CA Europlanet - EC Contract Europlanet Main Facts Objectives: ● Increase the productivity of planetary projects with European investment ● Initiate a long-term improvement of the European planetary work infrastructure ● Improve European scientific competitiveness, develop and spread expertise in this research area ● Improve public understanding of planetary environments Cosmic Vision CoRoT 2006

I3/CA Europlanet - EC Contract Europlanet Main Facts ● Submitted to the EU, April 15 th, 2003 ● Supported a s a « Coordination Action », part of the general AO on research infrastructures ● Funding 2 M €, for up to 48 months ● Start date: Jan 1st, 2005  2009 continuation planned  FP7 Cosmic Vision CoRoT 2006

I3/CA Europlanet - EC Contract Discipline Working Groups Ground-based Observation Coordination Outreach Strategy Personnel Exchange Meetings IDIS N5 N6 N7 N2N3N4 Krupp, Matti Rucker, Miller Zarnecki, Lebreton Dutuit, Szego Srama, Serote Chanteur, Flamini 41 institutes from 17 EU countries 13 associate participants N1 : EuroPlaNet Management Blanc, Dougherty Mueller-Wodarg, Witasse Activity N2: Discipline working groups Establishment of “discipline working groups” in the different science areas of planetary sciences with the aim to cover all major fields of planetary sciences. Europlanet Structure and Activities

I3/CA Europlanet - EC Contract Discipline Working Groups Ground-based Observation Coordination Outreach Strategy Personnel Exchange Meetings IDIS N5 N6 N7 N2N3N4 Krupp, Matti Rucker, Miller Zarnecki, Lebreton Dutuit, Szego Srama, Serote Chanteur, Flamini 41 institutes from 17 EU countries 13 associate participants N1 : EuroPlaNet Management Blanc, Dougherty Mueller-Wodarg, Witasse Activity N3: Co-ordinated space/earth- based observations Developing synergies between in-situ exploration of the planetary systems and telescope observations from the ground or Earth orbit. Activity N4: Developing an outreach strategy Developing a pan-European outreach plan that will help to associate the European Citizens to the Planetary Exploration program activities in Europe (incl. space agencies, research institutes, Universities and science museums). Activity N5: Personnel exchange Supporting key exchanges of personnel between research groups with the aim to establish a long-term working relation between the groups. Activity N6: Meetings, conferences Organisation of EuroPlaNet meetings during the project. Activity N7: Design and development of the IDIS Creation of an Integrated and Distributed Information Service (IDIS) and its further evolution into a European Virtual Planetary Observatory. Europlanet Structure and Activities

I3/CA Europlanet - EC Contract DWG 7 Targets Terrestrial exoplanets Darwin etc. Hot Jupiter‘s, Super Earth‘s CoRoT etc. Stellar wind (CME) plasma interaction with weak magnetic Earth-like exoplanets within the HZ of M and K (G, F) stars (function of orbital distances) Thermal and non-thermal loss processes related to change in atmospheric composition, thermospheric X-ray and EUV heating related to star type Tidal-locked planets (M-stars, some K)  application of GCM’s, dynamo generation (necessary conditions) Effects of atmospheric processes which change bio-markers  expected spectra Stellar plasma interaction of “Hot Jupiter’s”  generation of EM emission and interaction between planet and star Evaporation of “Hot Jupiter” atmospheres  mass-radius relation Tasks Dust in extrasolar systems  exozodies, planet formation DWG 1+2 DWG DWG 1+6 DWG 4+9 DWG 1 DWG 2 N3 Mass-radius relations  Super Earth’s, ocean planets DWG 5 DWG 7: Exoplanets, N2 activities N2 Activities

I3/CA Europlanet - EC Contract DWG 6+7 F. Raulin, D. Prieur, H. Lammer, F. Selsis DWG Contact scientist Y. Bénilan B. Grieger E. Kallio U. Motschmann J. Zarnecki C. Sotin L. Colangeli ? D. Breuer ESA TE-SatEANAworkshops Europlanet N3 activities Transpersonal structure: key people related to DWG 6+7 and representatives/researcher for astrobiology and exoplanets in each N2 DWG ISSI teams CoRoT etc. M. Fridlund DWG 6+7 Astrobiology/Exoplanets structure, N2 activities Individual scientists inside the (Europlanet) planetary community Marie Curie INTAS

I3/CA Europlanet - EC Contract Activity work program is based on the steps: Identify key programs and observations Identify key facilities Identify key organizations N3: Coordination of Ground-based and Space Observations and Space Observations N3 Approach

I3/CA Europlanet - EC Contract N3: Coordination of Ground-based and Space Observations and Space Observations N3 Scientific Focus Points The CoRoT mission fulfils all criteria Space Mission complementary observations Ground-based observations of potential targets that are, will, or have been observed by spacecraft instruments, with the aim to complement (wavelength, time, geometry) the scientific results. Space Mission supporting observations Assist in the preparation or in the operational stage of a planetary mission (engineering as well as scientific aspects of the mission). Examples: Titan atmosphere observations prior to the Huygens descent, comet observations for Rosetta mission, etc.

I3/CA Europlanet - EC Contract participating institutions: - 2 lead participants - 14 regular members - new members can join (e.g. DLR, Berlin H. Rauer, etc.) N3: Coordination of Ground-based and Space Observations and Space Observations N3 Participant Institutes The list of participants may be changed in course of the project to enhance international collaborations IWF-OEAW (Graz, AUT) UCL (London, UK) CNRS-LAM (Marseille, F) CNRS-LPG (Grenoble, F) OP-LESIA (Meudon, F) UPS-IAS (Orsay, F) Imperial College (London, UK) MPG-MPS (Katlenb.-Lind., G) UPD-CISAS (Padova, I) IFSI-CNR (Rome, I) UoC (Heraklion, GR) IAA (Granada, ES) ESA (Noordwijk, NL) JIVE (Dwingeloo, NL) SRC (Warsaw, Poland) OU (Milton Keynes, UK)

I3/CA Europlanet - EC Contract What can Europlanet provide to the mission: - Support in the organization and funding of dedicated meetings and workshops; - Support in organization of coordinated observations; - Telecons, provide distribution lists for specific, announcments news, public ourtreach, etc. - Provide the Europlanet N3 website as a platform for exchange of information / documents / call for observations, links, etc.  information platform for planetary scientists Cooperation/Interaction of Europlanet N3 with CoRoT

I3/CA Europlanet - EC Contract Access: Via the main Europlanet site: Directly: N3: Coordination of Ground-based and Space Observations and Space Observations

I3/CA Europlanet - EC Contract N3: Coordination of Ground-based and Space Observations and Space Observations

I3/CA Europlanet - EC Contract N3: Coordination of Ground-based and Space Observations and Space Observations

I3/CA Europlanet - EC Contract N3: Coordination of Ground-based and Space Observations and Space Observations Could be CoRoT