US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two BOLD ALLIGATOR 2014 (BA14) TOCEX AAR 07 Aug 2014 UNCLASSIFIED Overall Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO/REL TO USA,MNFA 1
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Manning Not present during TOCEX –PAO, JAG (no requirement this TOCEX) –COPS LCPO (Leave) –2 x FOPS O (Not available, not identified) –2 x BWC (Reserve, PG) –2 X N4 (Identified requirement during TOCEX) Additional Augments requirements identified –C2PC Team 5 pax (2 per watch plus senior enlisted) –Camp Mayor / Force protection Senior Enlisted or Warrant –ECP watch 4 pax (2 per watch) –Admin Enlisted YNC act as N1A –Additional Battle Watch Section 2
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Reporting / Training Reports Battle Rhythm (internal/external) Muster / PERSTAT Daily Input to HQ (Annex R) DIMS / SITREP CUB slide CCIR Battle Watch OPORD message Watch Turnover Procedures established Intel JQR need to be updated Basic Intelligence templates not built Tent inventory check list Pack out list CONOPS / OPORD 3 Chat/CENTRIX familiarization training C2PC Training
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Camp Lay Out TOCEX tent –From to (size of tent) –Rotating workstation 180 degrees –Printer location –Reconfigure N2 and CDRE space to reduce foot traffic in TOCEX Placement of ECU –maximum distance from tents –TOCEX and Brief tent priority for noise conservation –Fans facing away from tents 4
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Camp Lay Out TOCEX tent –From to (size of tent) –Rotating workstation 180 degrees –Printer location –Reconfigure N2 and CDRE space to reduce foot traffic in TOCEX Reduce structure by 1 x ______ and 1 X______ Optium placement of ECU –maximum distance from tents –TOCEX and Brief tent priorty for noice conservation –Fans facing away from tents 5
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Other 6 Travel order guidance established VGA switches for changing monitors Internal Comms (handhelds) Recompression chamber Ambulance
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two BACKUP 7
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two 8
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two 9 Major BA14 Planning Events -Planning w/ multi agencies -ESG Integration -ENDEX -GO/FO attendance -MSE required planning event CLNC- Camp Lejeune, NC Aug- FPC for AO, Norfolk, 22 Aug- Cmdr’s Huddle
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Agenda Administration (N1) Intelligence (N2) Operations (N3) Battle Watch (BWO) Logistics (N4) Communications (N6) Training (N7) Medical (N9) 10
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Administration (N1) Topic 1.Admin Manning (2 pers for 5 subunits and ~900 NEF personnel) 2.Daily Muster/PERSTAT POA 3.MI&E (PMR vs CMR) 4.Travel requests, DTS orders and Battle Records for CTF/NEF pers Recommendation 1.Request 1-2 additional YN/PS (1 E6-E7 preferred) * Able to act as N1 where needed (SIQ, Watch, briefs, etc) * Secondary N1A (e.g. watch, rest, SIQ, etc) 2.Quickly establish muster/PERSTAT procedures and deadlines (use CTF 56 format) 3.Identify CMR vs PMR MI&E allowance by NECC 4.Establish NEF due dates for travel requests to NECC, DTS orders submission and Battle Records (Page 2, SGLI, no-fee passport) 11
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Intelligence (N2) EXEC 1.CCIRs not established Recommendation 1.Establish enduring CCIRs for use in multiple phases to drive PIR, IR, FFIR generation and to focus the TOC on meeting CDREs information requirements. 12
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Intelligence (N2) TOC 1.TOCEX Schedule a.TOCEX Schedule was not adhered too, mtgs were late, codes were not prepared 2.TOC Watches a.Standing of watches not required, i.Unable to establish T/O procedures ii.Practice Relief for Chow/Head 3.TOC Manning a.TOC not properly manned Recommendation 1.Establish TOCEX Director whom is responsible for maintaining SOE 2.Stand watches to practice all functions 3.Request 4x additional bodies from NECC (BW Phone/Cop) 13
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Intelligence (N2) INTEL 1.INTEL Watch JQR a.Intel Watch JQR out of date (2010) 2.INTEL Watch Turnover procedures a.Intel Watch turnover procedures have not been established 3.Basic Intelligence templates not built Recommendation 1.N2 to scrub JQR and tailor to a NEF ECH IV AFP 2.N2 to establish baseline turnover checklist 3.Build: CUB templates for Intel, Daily Intentions Message (DIMs) template, and RFI reporting procedures 14
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Intelligence (N2) COMMS 1.E-ICOP a.E-ICOP not functional 2.Comms Set-up a.Comms readiness was amazing, but can be improved to minimize excessive Delay in Comms being functional Recommendation 1.Include in SAR/GAR msg to ensure can be used in NETC2. 2.Establish a checklist to ensure all staff are on the same page and focused on having all systems and functions up (i.e., logins, distros built, bookmarks, share drives built, ability to post to share drive(s), OWA to NIPR, OWA to SIPR, receive s internal, receive s from external) 15
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Intelligence (N2) AT/FP 1.Force Protection Officer a.Lack of designated Force Protection Officer created tasking bleed to other codes. 2.ECP (Daytime) a.Personnel weren’t screened at a viable ECP creating security violation rich environment 3.Camp Watches (nighttime) a.Not pre-briefed on duties/expectations Recommendation 1.Designate FPO to run point with Landward Security element, maintain/train ECP. 2.RFF for 2-4 personnel to train and man the ECP. Give the rosters of cleared personnel, train to handle VIPs/LNO visits/Foreigners. Give them authority for patdowns and confiscate PED (i.e., phones) 3.Ensure that watches arrive on time and plan to remain onsite during their time period (forces chow discussion). Provide Watch/Roundschecklist (i.e., verify shred bags in place, verify fire extinguishers near generators still there, check in with N6, verify integrity of other tent flaps, clean, etc…) 16
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Intelligence (N2) CAMP 1.Tent Cleanliness a.Cleanliness lacking 2.Tent Basics a.Basic items required in most tents Recommendation 1.Each tent should address internally their cleaning standards and frequency. 2.Ensure each tent has a fire extinguisher, sledge hammer for EDP, and properly labeled shred bag 17
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Operations (N3) Manning Request Augments to make up aThree BW rotation(24hr ops) Requires BWC(03)/BWA(01/02)/BWS(E6/E7). Request an Operations Specialist team (geeks operators/radio operators), comprising of 4 OS’s to be placed on the three battle watches and a OSCS as Team lead. Title X functions OWA on SIPR SVTC Backup in case of total failure for more than a day…Bogue Field 18
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Battle Watch (BWO) Lessons learned (action) 1.TOC Manning: 2.Printer location: 3.Location of N2 and Triad work spaces IRT: 4.TOC Configuration: 5.A/C return line 6.Chat/CENTRIX familiarization training Lessons learned (supply) 1.General supplies ordered – status 2.VGA switches for changing monitors 3.classifications signs (UNCLASS,SECRET/NOFORN, CENTRIX) 4.Chairs suitable for 12 hour watches 19
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Logistics (N4) Facility and Logistic Infrastructure 1.Camp configuration to support consolidated footprint while recognizing OPSEC and ECU configuration a. ESU will provide alternate layout recommendation 2. Personnel Identification, to include numbers. a. Solidify personnel count IOT contract and request via Camp Lajeune services and This drives messing support and to identify any additional camp infrastructure needs 3. Internal Comms a.Working with N6 to identify acceptable hand-helds to support dispatch and physical security 4. Supplies identification a. Require comprehensive list from N codes to identify administrative supplies for BA. 20
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Communications (N6) N6 COMMUNICATIONS: Topic: Communications Requirements for Stability Operations Discussion: Discussion of the communications requirements needed for the CTF revolved around workspaces in the tent and did not provide what was needed to appropriately task subordinate units under the NEF on what communications they will be required to communicate on or over. Recommendation: Clearly identify systems that are needed to C2 units. This includes radio assets, NIPR/SIPR/CTX (if needed), COP applications (C2PC, AFATDS, etc…). This needs to be clearly identified between N3 and N6. 21
US Fleet Forces Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Medical (N9) Topic 1.Talking point – Recompression chamber 2.Talking point – Ambulance 3.Talking point – SIPER access 4.Identify problems and speak to solutions; a.some areas areas of interest, i. personnel, logistics, space set-up, & plans for next tocex Recommendation 1.Action required 2.Action required 22